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Messages - Jasmine

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Rule Book / Cross Breeds within Show Standards
« on: November 12, 2020, 12:40:08 PM »
Here is a list of acceptable cross breeding within Show Standards.


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
AbyssinianSomaliSomali (Longhair)/Abyssinian (Shorthair)
American Shetland PonyMiniature HorseMiniature Horse
American Shorthair (Black) BombayBombay
American ShorthairDevon RexDevon Rex
American Shorthair SiameseSnowshoe
American Shorthair Scottish Fold/Highland Fold Scottish or Highland Fold/Scottish or Highland Straight
American Shorthair SnowshoeSnowshoe
American Shorthair SphynxSphynx
AndalusianQuarter Horse Azteca
AndalusianThoroughbredIberian Sporthorse
AndalusianWarmbloodIberian Warmblood
ArabianAmerican SaddlebredNational Show Horse
ArabianQuarter HorseQuarab


Original Breed
Original Breed
Resulting Breed
BalineseSiameseBalinese (Longhair)/Siamese (Shorthair)
BalineseOriental LonghairOriental Longhair
British Shorthair Devon RexDevon Rex
British Shorthair Scottish/Highland Fold Scottish or Highland Fold/Scottish or Highland Straight
British Shorthair Selkirk RexSelkirk Rex
Bull TerrierBull Terrier (Miniature)Bull Terrier or Bull Terrier (Miniature)

Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
CymricManxCymric (Longhair)/Manx (Shorthair)

Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
Dutch Draft ThoroughbredDutch Warmblood


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
FriesianWarmbloodFriesian Sporthorse
FriesianThoroughbredFriesian Sporthorse


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
German WarmbloodHanoverian Warmblood


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
Havana Brown SiameseOriental Shorthair


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
Irish Draught ThoroughbredIrish Sport Horse


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
NebelungRussian Blue Nebelung (Long Hair) or Russian Blue (Short Hair)


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
Oriental LonghairSiameseOriental Shorthair/Longhair
Oriental Shorthair SiameseOriental Shorthair
Oriental Shorthair SnowshoeSnowshoe


Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
PersianSelkirk RexSelkirk Rex
Paso Fino Spanish Jennet Spanish Jennet

Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed



Original Breed Original Breed Resulting Breed
Tennessee Walking HorseWelsh PonyAmerican Walking Pony
ThoroughbredQuarter Horse Appendix Quarter Horse

News / Show Points Template
« on: November 11, 2020, 09:09:55 PM »
Thanks to our awesome super moderator, Tia, she is working on the templates for our show points. You can find the templates at

Cats are now online, horses and dogs to come!

Rule Book / Re: Association and Registry Requirements
« on: November 11, 2020, 08:34:08 AM »
Approved, you may now setup your club forums.

Help / Re: Establishments
« on: November 11, 2020, 08:25:56 AM »
You can have many establishments as you can keep on top of :) I'll adjust the rules now.

News / Discord Invite
« on: November 10, 2020, 02:07:57 PM »
Show Standards have setup a Discord channel, so you can chat in real time.

You can find it at

Though Discord isn't essential, it is highly recommended. A lot of information and chat goes on in there, and it is great for getting near real time answers to questions also (dependent on who's online).

News / Re: Grand Opening: 09 - 23 Nov
« on: November 09, 2020, 08:58:53 PM »
I want to participate in the lucky draw
Number 3 please!

Rule Book / Association and Registry Requirements
« on: November 09, 2020, 05:08:41 PM »
    Associations and registries are a place to register your animals, to collect information and provide specialised shows for that animal. They can be breed specific, type specific or discipline specific. They will usually have a list of guidelines and requirements for registration and their shows. Members can register their animals with the association or registry.
    • Please be sure you have the time to run an association or registry before starting one.
    • Anyone is permitted to run a registry or association and there are no limits to how many you can run, as long as you can keep up with the activity.
    • At least four events must be held every game year to be considered active.
    • Moderators will delete any associations or registries which don't keep active.
    • We recommend to post up to see if there is an interest in the registry or association you wish to run first.
    • Do not create an association or registry similar to one that is already active.
    • Associations or registries should have information about the chosen breed or discipline, so make sure you have this information ready.
    • If there is an inactive registry or association you wish to take over, please let a member of the moderation team know.
    • You have to have been an active member for at least six months to start one.

Apply to run an association or registry

If you wish to run an association or registry, please fill out the following form and reply to this topic. You will be setup to moderate a subforum for your registry.

Your name:
Association/Registry Name:
Brief description:
Forum or URL?:
Have you checked for if others are interested in it:

News / Welcome to Show Standards!
« on: November 09, 2020, 04:30:23 PM »
Show Standards is currently in construction, but is aiming to be a casual game aimed towards cats, dogs and horses. Real life genetics will be used. We welcome anyone to join in on the fun. I will post here once we are open for gameplay.

Rule Book / Prefix Master List
« on: November 09, 2020, 04:26:42 PM »
Listed below are the prefixes used within Show Standards.
  • Prefixes are only allowed to be used by the one person they are registered to.
  • For any animal to be registered with a prefix, it must be registered under this thread first.
  • You are permitted to register animals without a prefix.
  • Please also check here first to make sure the prefix isn't already taken.
  • Prefixes count as a suffix as well.
  • You can own up to five prefixes

To register a prefix, please fill out and reply with the following form:

Code: [Select]
[b]Your name:[/b]
[b]Your Establishment:[/b]

Registered Prefixes


AR - Arsenic Road, Leo
AS - Artic Stars, Starwalker123
at Evolution - Evolution Icelandics, Vienna Raine


Blue-Moon's - Once In A Blue-Moon Farms, Blue-Moon Cattery, Uptown-Mutt
BSR - Maddie454, BrokenSpoke Ranch
BMF - Once In A Blue-Moon Farms, Blue-Moon Cattery, Uptown-Mutt
BMK - Blue-Moon Kennels, Uptown-Mutt


C-Mi - TradeMark Estates, Tia
CRSD - Cursed Cattery, Cursed Kennel, Cursed Stable, CursedCat
CSR - Chasing Stars Ranch, Starwalker123


Dragon Tooth - Dragon Tooth, Rotte
Dreamwater - Dreamwater Lodge, Jasmine
DTK - DustyToe Kennel, NinjaFish05
DustyToe - DustyToe Kennel, NinjaFish05
DW - Dreamwater Lodge, Jasmine


Evo - Evolution Icelandics, Vienna Raine
Evolution’s - Evolution Icelandics, Vienna Raine


FL - Flamelight Fires Catteries, Flamelight13
FFF - Flying Fox Farms, FlyingFox
FLF&R - machinecar12, First Light Farm and Ranch
of Flourish - Flourish, Inc., Aurryinne
FOX - Foxglove, Rotte (RETIRED)
Foxglove - Foxglove Gundogs, Rotte (RETIRED)
frá Þróun - Evolution Icelandics (Stables), Vienna Raine


Haywire - Haywire Kennels, Hellhound
HHC - Hound Hell Kennels, Hound Hell Cattery, HeebeeBeneebee
HHK - Hound Hell Kennels, Hound Hell Cattery, HeebeeBeneebee
Hound Hell's - Hound Hell Kennels, Hound Hell Cattery, HeebeeBeneebee


Imperial - Imperial Cattery, Evelyn
Inferno - Inferno Estate, Hellhound
Infinity’s - Infinite Potential Farms, Kaxanar
Interstellar - Interstellar Estate, Rotte
of Infinity - Infinite Potential Farms, Kaxanar
IE - Inferno Estate, Hellhound
IPF - Infinite Potential Farms, Kaxanar


Kobal - Kobal cattery, Mystik
Kovan’s - Kovan Variety Cattery, KovanEmpire
KVN - Kovan Variety Cattery, KovanEmpire


LHK - Lyndey Hill Kennel, Tallon
Linden's - Linden Acres, Kit
of Ludwigdolls - Ludwigdolls Cattery, Juliette


MẠE - Mạngkr Estate, Pomegranate
MM - Memento Mori, Dea_Invidia
Moon's - Once In A Blue-Moon Farms, Blue-Moon Cattery, Uptown-Mutt
Moonfire’s - Moonfire Estate, Mystik
MRK - Monticello Rising Kennels, Asmoeda
MTC - Masochism Tangos Cattery, Leviathan_Online


Neith - Neith Estate, Rotte (RETIRED)
NLK - Northern Lights Kennel, Aara_Is_Exausted
of Novenary - Novenary Kennels, Kit
NyPHF - Phantom Hills Farm, Nyro


o Hiraeth - Hiraeth, Aurryinne
Of The Lights - Northern Lights Kennel, Aara_Is_Exausted
OH - Hiraeth, Aurryinne
OIAF's - Of Ice And Fire, Sara
Once In A Blue-Moon - Once In A Blue-Moon Farms, Blue-Moon Cattery, Uptown-Mutt
OTD - Tech Duinn, Aurryinne


Qilin's Peace - Qilin's Peace Acres, IcedAntimony


of Painted Willow - Painted Willow Stables, Leo
PriJa - Unleashed Kennels, Void
PTF - Peach Tree Farm, Rotte (RETIRED)


Rainforest Allure's - Rainforest Allure, Tia
Riverside - Riverside Farm, Merry


SCC - Sunset Creek Cattery, Ray
SCF - Sunset Creek Farm, Ray
SCK - Sunset Creek Kennels, Ray
SGA - Shady Grove Acres, tonywestkin
SLR - Snail Legends Rising, SnailofLegends
SP - Sphynx Purity, Moonlight-Pharaoh
SSC - Starry Skies Cattery, Nikyistires
SSt - Sunstone Kennels, shenanigans
Star Garden - Star Gardens Estate, Starwalker123
Star Hunter - Star Hunter Kennels, Starwalker123
STK - Stalker Tangos Kennel, Leviathan_Online
Subzero - Subzero Kennels, Mystik
Sundown’s - Sundown Acres, meraukelele
Sunstone - Sunstone Kennels, shenanigans
SL - Starstruck Lyrical, Ladybugdea


TBK - The Bee’s Knees Kennel, Bee
Trademark's - TradeMark Estates, Tia
TM's - TradeMark Estates, Tia
TMP - The Missing Pieces, Reflection
TS - Tiny Stars Farm, Starwalker123
Triple M's - Mystical and Magical Menagerie, Tia


Veracity - Veracity K9, Amanda
Vienna's Kovan Variety Cattery and Kennels, KovanEmpire
Void Hill - Void Hills, Rotte (RETIRED)
Volcanic Garden's - Volcanic Gardens, Tia


WE - Westminster - Westminster Estate & Kennels, Jenna
Westminster - Westminster Estate & Kennels, Jenna
WK - Westminster - Westminster Estate & Kennels, Jenna
WOE - White Oak Estate, Xaenyth
Wolf - Northern Lights Kennel, Aara_Is_Exausted
Woodmarch's - Woodmarch Equestrian, SanguineSunrise

Rule Book / Animal Registration
« on: November 09, 2020, 03:12:11 PM »
  • All animals must be entered into the mandatory registry before they can be shown etc. This requires a moderator or admin to give them their own genotype and registration number
  • Though wild animals that can be crossed with the domestic animals are in the game, you are not permitted to register them. They will be given out in raffles, event rewards and the like. This also applies to hybrids of domestic and wild animals. They can only be bred for, they can't be created.
  • We will only allow registrations based on what occurs in the breed in real life. We won't allow any controversial colours for example, but off standard colours that have always naturally occurred will be permitted.

Rule Book / Time - CURRENTLY 2023-2
« on: November 09, 2020, 03:02:26 PM »
  • Animals age twice a year. Keep an eye on the news board to see what year we are in. Each year is split into two halves, so years on Show Standards will be like follow, i.e. 2020-1 and 2020-2.
  • Animals may be retired at any time you see fit. Just comment on your registration thread that they are retired. Only the current owner of an animal can retire it. They will either be labelled retired in the registry if they have been bred or they will be removed from the database completely if have no ties to other animals whatsoever, and will no longer be able to be shown or bred from. Dogs and cats will automatically retire at 12 years of age and horses will retire at 18 years.
  • Female dogs and cats can be bred twice a game year. Female Horses can be bred once. These date of births can be backdated, as long as the dam has a spare breeding slot available in that year. There is no gestation period, however please allow up to a week for an admin or a moderator to create your litter for you.
  • Animals may only enter one show or event a day.
  • A horse should be no less than two years older than its oldest foal.
  • A cat or dog should be no less than one year older than its oldest puppies/kittens.

Rule Book / General Rules
« on: November 09, 2020, 02:57:21 PM »
  • You must be at least 13 years old to join Show Standards.
  • Be nice to each other and yourself. Show Standards is very community based, so we don't wish to have any bad blood between members. If you have any concerns, feel free to use the report to moderator button within the post.
  • Only one account is permitted per person.
  • All players begin with a personal bank account of $50,000. You can increase your balance by posting on the forum, as well as the usual methods of selling, running associations and shows. To send money to people, click the link below their profile that says Send Money to [Username].
  • No posting links to other games outside of Show Standards.
  • If you create a website for your kennel/stable/cattery, please be sure to state that it is fictional, and to link back to Show Standards so others can find us. You must either have an establishment page with your establishment information in the Lodging Records board, or through your own website. Google Drive and the like is fine too, as long as it's accessible. This is important to keep up to date with your records.
  • If you wish to have more than one establishment to keep your kennel/stable/cattery seperate, you're more than welcome to! Just make sure that you are able to keep on top of your records for each.
  • Try to practice proper grammar and spelling within the forum for ease of readability.
  • Please login at least once every six months to keep your account alive. If you are inactive for more than six months, your animals will be homed through our adoption center.

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