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Messages - Jasmine

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General Chatter / Re: Movie Marathon Night
« on: June 25, 2021, 09:16:15 AM »
I am so here for this!!!

Best in Show is one of my favorite movies lol I vote that. My dogs would like to vote for 101 Dalmatians as they insist they will be included ;)
I've never seen Where the Red Fern Grows >< Sorry! Also uncultured lol but I have seen Old Yeller and I swore I'd never watch it again rofl

Also, I notice a trend with the movie listing. But what is Bullet Head? Lol

It's an action movie, a fairly recent one showing on Netflix, about three men who hide in a factory after they pulled off a heist and they don't realise they're holed up with a Presa ex fighting dog with a grudge on people (it goes into the backstory why).

Where the Red Fern Grows is about two coon hunting dogs a young boy purchased and their adventures.

General Chatter / Movie Marathon Night
« on: June 24, 2021, 09:39:30 PM »
Rotte made the suggestion of a Show Standards movie night and I love the idea!

Please let me know what dates and times you'd be able to make it to add to the polls for movie night/day/morning! I'll add your suggestions to the poll to vote. You can select multiple times. I will translate to different time zones as needed as well. I'll take a few suggestions that aren't too close to each other. Then we can type to narrate the films as we go, just cause haha.

So far on the board is Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows 'cause Rotte's uncultured (I love ya really!), so that makes them a MUST WATCH and see who cries first lol If more than one person wants to see them, we'll add to the list, so also please lemme know what on the list you'd like to watch too. We'll do dogs for this night and if it takes off, we'll have nights in the future (maybe like one every couple of months or something) and keep it themed!

Movies to vote on:

Old Yeller - 1 vote
Where the Red Fern Grows - 3 votes
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Man's Best Friend
Bullet Head
Best in Show - 1 vote
A Dog's Purpose 1 + 2
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
101 Dalmatians - 1 vote

We'll aim to do this in a couple of weeks or can pin down a date depending on what happens. How it will work is I'll play the movies and stream it through Discord, and fingers crossed my internet plays ball, but generally during the day it's good. We can give it a shot. I haven't streamed through Discord before, but I have through Twitch, so hopefully can figure it out :)

Anyone's welcome to join, and if you can't stay for all of it, feel free to come and watch and hang out while you can!

Future theme nights. Also can take suggestions!

Sled Dogs
Fantasy creatures

News / Health Testing Upgrade or Downgrade
« on: June 09, 2021, 11:45:19 AM »
From now on with litters, there is a chance for the progeny to either upgrade or downgrade their standard health testing.
Your progeny will have a one in 100 chance of rolling stats better or worse than the parents currently.
Both parents have good hips.
Each progeny has a 1 in 100 chance to roll either excellent or fair hips.

Rule Book / Re: Association and Registry Requirements
« on: May 26, 2021, 11:27:30 AM »
Can I actually change the name of mine so we don't have two SSEAs? I think I'll go with 'Eventing Association of Standard,' EAS (to avoid the unfortunate ASS).

(I'm not sure if I can change the forum name myself, sorry Jasmine, thanks!)


Rule Book / Re: Association and Registry Requirements
« on: May 25, 2021, 12:46:30 PM »

Rule Book / Re: Association and Registry Requirements
« on: May 24, 2021, 03:41:47 PM »

Rule Book / Re: Association and Registry Requirements
« on: May 24, 2021, 01:48:31 PM »

News / Health Testing
« on: May 11, 2021, 02:48:37 PM »
Health testing will now be automatically done on all animals, and there won’t be any charge to it. Have fun!

News / Livestock Registry is Now Open
« on: May 09, 2021, 02:02:10 PM »
Hey team,

We've added livestock to Show Standards. Have you ever wanted a farm with geese or ducks? Now's your chance.

Have you ever dreamed of farming cows, chickens, pigs or goats? Go ahead, you good thing!

Categories are still being thought out for showing, but now's your chance!

News / Conformation Show Majors
« on: April 28, 2021, 01:02:13 PM »
We are now introducing majors, starting as of today for shows.

If a class has between 1 and 9 animals entered (say class 1. for example), points are as normal.

If a class has between 10 and 19 animals, your animals get double the points of their placing.

If a class has 20 or more animals entered, your animals get three times the points of their placing.

This was introduced to give the animals that are entered in large classes a chance to get points in.

News / Administration Week
« on: April 22, 2021, 10:58:47 AM »
Hi team,

We have now introduced the last week/first week of each Show Standards new year as administration week. This allows everyone to get on top of updating, get those show records in for the leaderboards and anything you like. There will be no events or shows held during this week.


Done to here

Name: Jasmine
Total Amount:

Breakdown: $256,100

BIG Herding - $1000
BIS Dog - $100,000

BIG Lilliputian - $1000

BIG Miniatures - $1000
BIG Warmblood - $1000
RBIS Horse - $50,000

SEC Horse - $100,000

1st Herding - $100
1st Catch Dog - $100
1st Showjumping - $100
1st Reining - $100
1st Driving - $100
1st FastCAT - $100
1st Obedience - $100
1st Scent Work - $100
1st Dock Diving - $100
1st Falconry - $100
1st Harness - $100
1st Western Pleasure - $100
1st Retriever Cat - $100
1st Disc Dog x 3 - $300
1st Eventing x 3 - $300
1st Trick - $100
1st Agility - $100

News / Reminder About Standardized Entry Forms
« on: April 08, 2021, 01:37:27 PM »
Hi team,

Now we've had standard entries out for a few months, it's time to make sure that your entries are correct as per the guidelines.  You can read the post about standard entries here. We put out standard entries to make running the shows a lot easier and quicker now we have big show entries!

Please note that from now on, if a show asks for standard entries, and your form doesn't meet the guidelines, the runner of the show can choose to disregard your entries until they are fixed, and this must be done before the show close date.

Here's a reminder of how they should be set out.

  • Please list groups in order of what they are set out in the post above.
  • Groups and breeds must be capitalised.
  • Class must be numbered as the class, then number only, not the class name i.e. Class 1a
  • Please list breeds alphabetically within the group.
  • Please list male classes first, followed by females, in numerical order i.e. Class 1, Class 2, Class 1a, Class 2a
  • Make sure breeds are laid out and spelt as per registry i.e. Arabian (Egyptian) not Egyptian Arab.
  • Make sure breeds are entered under the right group as per the group on the master list in the registry for each breed.

Now would be a good opportunity to check if your entries meet the guidelines. Your show runners will thank you immensely for it!

Thank you,

From your omnipresent admin :D

Please only one form per person to be filled out at the end of the show only, no editing posts to update. Winnings will be handed out after full completion of the show. Topic will be unlocked upon full judging completion.

Best in Show/Champion of Champions: $100,000 + an achievement icon for your profile.
Reserve Best in Show/Reserve Champion of Champions: $50,000 + an achievement icon for your profile.
Best in Group: $1000

Supreme Event Champion (Animal with the most points in events over the show period): $100,000 + an achievement icon for your profile.
Runner Up Supreme Event Champion (Animal with the most points in events over the show period): $100,000 + an achievement icon for your profile.
1st Place Getter: $100

Code: [Select]
Total Amount:


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