Your name: Jenna
Association/Registry Name: Dressage Federation of Show Standards (DFSS)
Brief description: An association aimed at promoting the breeding, training, and showing of dressage horses of all breeds.
Forum or URL?: Forum
Have you checked for if others are interested in it: Yes!
Your name: Jenna
Association/Registry Name: Combined Driving Council of Show Standards (CDCSS)
Brief description: An association aimed at promoting the breeding, training, and showing of combined and sport driving horses of all breeds.
Forum or URL?: Forum
Have you checked for if others are interested in it: Yes!
Your name: Jenna
Association/Registry Name: Flyball Club of Show Stoppers (FBCSS)
Brief description: An association aimed at promoting the breeding, training, and showing of flyball dogs of all breeds.
Forum or URL?: Forum
Have you checked for if others are interested in it: Yes!