
How do you feel about running a one-shot story, with rotating DMs and new characters every time? No pressure, fun way to learn the game together!

Yes! One shot, rotate DMs and characters.
Yes! One shot, rotate DMs, but keep characters and put them in different settings each time.
Campaign, rotate DMs.
One DM, solid ongoing campaign.
Other, add below!

Author Topic: Show Standards DnD Night - Discord  (Read 2392 times)

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on: November 16, 2021, 06:28:12 AM
Roll for initiative!
Alright nerds, let's play some Dungeons and Dragons!

If you're interested in joining a SS DND night via Discord, shoot a reply to this thread!
I'd like to use this as a brainstorming forum, so we can all contribute ideas as to how we'll run this game, who the GM/DM will be, options for a date & time (likely January/February), whether we want this to be a campaign we revisit occasionally or a one-shot adventure, homebrew/5e, etc.

I am fairly new to running DND but I'm here to help in any capacity so we can all enjoy being DND nerds together  ;)

I've got some ideas for a campaign, and I can't wait to hear what you guys wanna do!!

Reply #1 on: November 16, 2021, 06:33:59 AM
I'm super new and would have zero idea about how to be a GM, but I absolutely want in!

Perhaps a one-shot to iron out complications, procedures, and whatnot first?

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Reply #2 on: November 16, 2021, 08:02:33 AM
I'm so keen! I prefer to keep one character, but happy for one DM or to rotate :)

Reply #3 on: November 16, 2021, 08:15:47 AM
How about we figure out who wants to play and how we want to run it (poll above!), and then run a mini-game/learning session?

Offline Kaxanar

Reply #4 on: November 16, 2021, 10:44:09 AM
I am so HERE FOR THIS!  :D

I致e mainly played second edition, with a bit of 3rd edition for the last campaign I was in (which was years ago), but I致e never Dm壇 before.

I知 okay with either new characters every time or keeping the same ones, and either one Dm (not me) or rotating Dms (I will happily take a turn as rotating dm once I get my feet back under me).

A mini game to learn the ropes sounds like a great idea, too.

As for scheduling, I知 posting this at 4:37 pm my time while I get ready. Then I値l be at work from 5pm to about 2am-ish, and I (should be) asleep by 6am and up again around 2pm. If I知 not sleeping or working I知 available, and I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off, so I知 around mostly all day then.

I知 looking forward to learning and playing with all of you!  ;D

Nothing to see here, move along

Reply #5 on: December 10, 2021, 04:28:35 AM
I would love a session, but have horrible scheduling at present. Might join if available and DM is creative about my absences :)