I致e mainly played second edition, with a bit of 3rd edition for the last campaign I was in (which was years ago), but I致e never Dm壇 before.
I知 okay with either new characters every time or keeping the same ones, and either one Dm (not me) or rotating Dms (I will happily take a turn as rotating dm once I get my feet back under me).
A mini game to learn the ropes sounds like a great idea, too.
As for scheduling, I知 posting this at 4:37 pm my time while I get ready. Then I値l be at work from 5pm to about 2am-ish, and I (should be) asleep by 6am and up again around 2pm. If I知 not sleeping or working I知 available, and I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off, so I知 around mostly all day then.
I知 looking forward to learning and playing with all of you!