Hello, i don't mean to be a pain, but i have a few questions and an suggestion for the genetics.
i recently brought two cats, which i haven't registered yet, because of these things i wanted to clear up before i tried registering them.
the two cats are G2 animals, their parents being Foundation cats. the cats' genetic code that i got wasn't complete and when trying to go back to their parents' genes, i found that i still couldn't find out the full details of the genetic code.
for instance, the cat Glowing Thriller at Evolution is said to be a cream classic tabby and white. but in his genetic code, there is no whiting genes. i cannot tell whether he is a 0-50% white or 50-100% white. i can say that the kitten in question was not given white by either parent which would make glowing a 0-50% white cat, but if he had no children, how could one tell?
this kittens' parents dont show the genes for the colourpointing. as they are not colourpoints themself, i now they may be carriers for colourpoint or sepia, or not at all, but i cannot see this at all.
the last question that i have, is about the colour names that the kittens have themselves. for instance, both kits have the name Spotted in their name, but their genes are in fact only Spsp, which is for broken tabbies, opposed from spotted which is SpSp. because i have completely no clue with the showing side of things, are they called this because thats what it is called in the showing side of things?
i really don't want to sound terrible and im not having a go at anyone, i just thought that i would bring this up to you to potentially give all foundation cats and bred kittens a full genetic code to then be able to better see what each cat is carrying etc which would be better for breeders.
thank you for reading this