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Topics - Rotte

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Genetics Lab / CHIC Panel Testing {OPEN}
« on: September 30, 2024, 06:45:32 AM »

CHIC Panel Testing

Please only send your applications in when the topic title says {OPEN}.
Please only send in applications if you are comfortable with your results entering a public database.
When your panel is completed, you will receive a message saying 'completed'. You will not get results to your inbox. They will go straight to the public database.

All pricing is a full panel test.
Only mandatory tests will be done unless you say Y to optional tests.

Paid members of the SSKC: $20 per dog
Unpaid members of the SSKC: $200 per dog

Please send payment as soon as form is posted. Unpaid forms will not be processed.

Panel Request:
Code: [Select]
[b]Request for Full Panel[/b]
Dog's Registered Name:
Dog's ID:
Dog Breed:
Y/N to Optional Tests:

Genetics Lab / CHIC Program Information
« on: September 30, 2024, 06:42:04 AM »

CHIC Certification Program
To ensure the preservation of breeds continues, and the best quality stock is used in preserving our purebred dogs, we have created the CHIC Program. The SSKC  has partnered with breed clubs to highlight major breed concerns and prevalent health issues within breeds.
A dog which has achieved its CHIC Certification has been screened for every disease recommended by the breed club, and those results are in a public database for all to access.

All pricing is a full panel test.

Paid members of the SSKC: $20 per dog
Unpaid members of the SSKC: $200 per dog

Member Announcements / 2023-1 Upcoming Litters
« on: April 25, 2023, 06:01:24 AM »
These will be the only breedings I do for show this year - every single litter listed here will be the dog's final litter as they are to retire this coming year (or next year)!
Similar to last year, only going to breed these girls once and without an ultrasound so the amount we get is the amount we get. If for some reason the waiting list is longer than pups received, I'll breed a second breeding.

Just register your interest if you think you'll want one ;) You can drop out or deny a pup at any point.
I know some people have downsized their kennels since the original lists were out so if you no longer want to be on litters let me know.

I will make all my litters so that the pups are 2ish years so that you do not have to wait for them to adult out lol

How my lists work
Register your interest - first come first served. If you're first to register the interest, you're first to pick a pup.
If you want a pup from a pairing but the main slots are filled, take an emergency slot. Chances are you'll still get a pup!
Once the list has chosen their pups, we cycle around until everyone has taken the pups they want.

Additional Notes
Waiting lists are free to add yourself to and free to withdraw yourself from!
These pups will either be $1000 or free with a pup back from first litter (bitch) or breeding slot (dog)

How to Claim your Place[/u]
Please fill out the form for every litter you want to apply for!

Code: [Select]
[b]Breed: [/b]
[b]Pairing: [/b]
[b]Sex preferred if any: [/b]

If you want in on all litters for a breed or all litters in general - just post all please to be added

Just to note - titles are not yet up to date. These will be the first records I update though :)
All my litters are going to be extensively tested through the SSKC, if you're interested or have been using that system too!

Irish Setter

GCH. Foxglove's Red Nephin AD CGC JH x FOX Fidalgo
Mum is a Red and Dad is a Mahogany, so different shades may appear in this litter.
Mum is likely to be a Nat+ Champ now, dad has no show history (breed boost dog).

Taking 6 slots

GCH. Foxglove's Red Red Wine JH X GCh. Foxglove's Hound of Baskerville CGC
Mum and Dad are both Reds so only reds will happen in this litter.
Both parents have extensive show history and both likely Nat+ Champs now.

Taking 6 slots


GCH. Foxglove's Sea Hague x GCh. Foxglove's Search of Lost Time
Mum and Dad are both Red and Whites (no pirates and no sables / tipped), so only reds this time.
Both parents have extensive show history and are likely Nat+ Champs now too.

Taking 3 slots

Miniature American Shepherd

Dragon Tooth's God was a Girl x Dragon Tooth's Licensed to Thrill
Mum is a Red Merle Tri (with minimal tan points) and Dad is a Black Tri, so expecting all merles with tan points (including minimally tan pointed)
Both parents have extensive show history and records will be updated before bred.

Taking 3 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Kaxanar
3. Star

Dragon Tooth's Too Many People x Dragon Tooth's Drain You AD
Rolled litter from last year. Only Black Tris or Blue Merle Tris with minimal tan points.

Taking 3 slots
1. Jasmine (confirmed - rolled)
2. Tia (rolled)
3. Kaxanar


Dragon Tooth's Black Star Surprise x Dragon Tooth's Talk of the Devil
A rolled litter, which finally has a sire lol. Ascella is to retire this year so I will get everything up to date for this breeding to be rolled quick lol.

Taking 3 slots
1.  Jasmine (confirmed - rolled)
2.  Tia (rolled)
3. Kaxanar

Dragon Tooth's No Mistake She's Mine x Dragon Tooth's Licensed to Thrill
Another rolled litter. Merles and non merles in this one, wide variety of colour :)

Taking 3 slots
1.  Jasmine (confirmed - rolled)
2. Tia (rolled)
3. Kaxanar


Border Collie

Ch. Dragon Tooth's Purple Flame BN PT x FOX Double Delight
Mum is a Lilac Tri and Dad is a Sable, expected colours are:
Shaded Sables and Sables, with both black and chocolate noses.
Mum has an extensive show history and is an incredible sports dog. She will also be having a border-whip litter this year (see end of post). Dad is a breed boost dog.

Taking 10 slots
1. Aara (no sex preference)
2. Jasmine
3. Kaxanar
4. Star

Dragon Tooth's Maybe It's Fate CGC PT x FOX On Cloud Nine x Puttin' on the Ritz
Was meant to be bred last year, but forgot to breed it and a sire was never chosen.
Sire has now been chosen! List has been rolled so if you're not interested anymore just let me know and I'll pop you off. It is a dual-sired litter (litter will be ran twice) so you can choose your preferred sire if you wish.

I've had this girl since I started SS So she'll have plenty of show history.

Sire one (FOX On Cloud Nine) is a breed boost dog so no breed history. He is a Gold Merle. Expected colours from this pairing: Gold Merle and White or Gold and Whites.

Sire two (Puttin on the Ritz) isn't a breed boost dog but is a fab dog starting their show career. Expected colours are a rainbow of colours including Brindles, Blues, Blacks and Shaded Sables, including blue brindles.

Taking 6 slots (you're able to choose a pup from both litters)
1. Jasmine (confirmed -  rolled) *first pick
2. Kaxanar (rolled)
3. Star (rolled)
4. Tia (rolled)

Poodle (Standard)

Foxglove's Indecent Proposal CGC x FOX Dream Chasing
Was meant to breed this girl last year and apparently never got around to it. She is a ticked Blue Parti with a great show history now! She is only a carrier for Elliptocysis B-Spectrin too so great if you wanna improve your Poodle program.
Dad is a breed boost dog so has no history - he is an apricot parti.

Expecting Black & Red partis.

Taking 5 slots
1.  Aara (no sex preference)
2. Jasmine
3. Star

Foxglove's Catwalk Performance x FOX Ice Finesse
Gisele was bred last year but we wanted to breed an all-phantom litter. This is her retirement litter once more. We now have studs in the picture to give us said phantom litter :)
Dad is breed boost dog - no history for him.

Expecting Black Phantoms ONLY.
Chances of some puppies to be culled from this breeding so may be bred twice or ultrasounded yet (depends if people want phantom babies??)

Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine (confirmed - rolled)
2. Star (rolled from last list)
3. Tia (rolled from last list)
4. Aara (rolled from last list)

Lagotto Romagnolo

GCh. Foxglove's Rotten Apple CGC JH x NatCh. Foxglove's Cosmic Event CGC JH
I am currently (somehow) the only one campaigning this BEAUTIFUL breed. My boy is literally a year off retiring so hoping we can get his pups out in the ring. Lilith is the only one of my girls slightly compatible with him though, so again tetchy breeding that might need rebreeding?
Both dogs are incredible in show history. They have outdated records but I have no doubt their names have now turned into title alphabetti-spaghetti.

I imagine we will get Liver and Whites and solid Whites.

Taking 3 slots
1.  Star

Cimarron Uruguayo

FOX! Voodoo Lily x  FOX! Jabbawocky
This girl is again a year off retiring and again another small breed. Think me and Jas are the only ones currently campaigning them. Fab primitive breed if you like them!
Both have good show careers - will update recs and update this post with them I promise lol

All brindles with masks expected, ranging between a pale red and a dark red.

Taking 5 slots
1. Star

Belgian Malinois

Bleed Out z Void x London in Terror z Void
There is potential may not go ahead if there is no interest. Gen had a litter last year (shark film litter) which came out pretty nice. Will only breed if I can guarantee homes for at least three other pups (me included).

Both parents have good show history but records need to be updated. This will be Pistol's first litter. Pups should come out nice and not affected for any diseases, and good OFA wise too. Only Red Masked Sables for this litter guys.

Taking 5 slots (need 3 for breeding to go ahead)
1. Star


Ch. Foxglove's Bad Influence AD x GCh. Foxglove's House of Orange AD RATN
Rolled over from last year as the breeding never took place. A fab little breed that definitely needs more fans to campaign it here on the game :D Just google them - they're super cute.

Red and White pups and Black and White pups only will be expected with this pairing. Both fab sport and show dogs who have great show history from multiple years.

Taking 1 slots
1.  Vienna Raine (rolled from old list)
2. Tia (rolled from old list)

Siberian Husky

AS You Need Me x FOX Blood Raven
To take place next year when Isolde has campaigned the year out. My boy is close to retiring, has been shown a lot the last year and so I believe he's champed out. His OFA results rolled super nice so would be nice to continue that in. Isolde has a fab pedigree and is related to Star's Token, who was a fab Sibe who retired out this year after reaching World Champ.

Could be an abundance of colour or not at all lol, we will see.

Taking 3 slots (remember breeding at the end of the year)
1.  Aara (no sex preference)
2. Kaxanar
3. Tallon
4. Star

Pyrenean Shepherd

Dragon Tooth's Bee Witching x Dragon Tooth's Catalan Casanova
Another rolled litter, I believe I'm the only one campaigning this breed again. Another fab herding breed.

Pups will be Black and White or Brindle and White.

Taking 3 slots (remember breeding at the end of the year)
1. Tia (rolled)

Black Russian Terrier

FOX! Better Watch Out x FOX! Slither
Karasi's last year so pups will definitely be born this year, but rolled from last year. Boa is a younger dog but both have good show histories already.

Only black pups expected.

Taking 3 slots (remember breeding at the end of the year)
1. Tia (rolled)

Border Whippet - Sport Mix
Bred for Agility, Dock Diving and Flyball prospects. Testing will be done via the SSKC :)

Ch. Dragon Tooth's Purple Flame BN PT x FOX Perfect Pluto
I have wanted to do a Border Whip litter for a while and this girl is an incredible sports dog so a great candidate. Dad is a breed health boost dog with no sporting history.

Fab if you're looking to get into sports mixes and have more fun in the sport clubs here on SSKC.

All pups will be Lilacs, dad is watermarked so possibility for it to pass through to pups too. Mum is a shorter coated rough so they'll likely not be long coats!

Taking 6 slots
1. Aara (no sex preference)
2. Jasmine
3. Kaxanar (female pref)
4. Star

I may add one or two litters yet but this is the final list for now. Thanks guys :)

Leaderboards / 2023-1 Cat Leaderboard
« on: April 25, 2023, 03:11:49 AM »
This Year

1. BIS BISS IntCh. AS Quicksilver CAAI - Siberian Cat - 2158
2. IntCh. AS Burnt Sienna CAB - Maine Coon - 2150
3. NatCh. AS Silver Sand CAB - Siberian Cat - 1813
4. MBISS NatCh. AS Arrie CAAI - Siberian Cat - 1593
5. BISS NatCh. AS Oscar The Grouch CAAII - Siberian Cat - 1273
6. BISS BIS NatCh. AS If I Bet My Heart On You CAB - Siberian Cat - 1118
7. BIS GCh. Roux of Flourish CAB - Siberian Cat - 982
8. GCH. Norse of Flourish CAB - Siberian Cat - 535


1. BIS BISS IntCh. AS Quicksilver CAAI - Siberian Cat - 2158
2. IntCh. AS Burnt Sienna CAB - Maine Coon - 2150
3. NatCh. AS Silver Sand CAB - Siberian Cat - 1813
4. BIS GCh. AS Tangelo CAB - Maine Coon - 1767
5. BIS NatCh. AS Queen CAB - Maine Coon - 1737
6. MBISS NatCh. AS Arrie CAAI - Siberian Cat - 1593
7: MBIS NatCh. TradeMark's Odd one Out - Bombay - 1568 points
8th: IntCh. AS Sir Russell - Maine Coon - 1282
9. BISS NatCh. AS Oscar The Grouch CAAII - Siberian Cat - 1273
10th: IntCh. AS Rise Form The Fire - Maine Coon - 1223
11th: MBISS NatCh. Infinity’s Peter Piper - Balinese - 1196
12. BISS BIS NatCh. AS If I Bet My Heart On You CAB - Siberian Cat - 1118
13th: MBIS NatCh. Dreamwater Atomizer - Munchkin - 1076 points
14th: MBIS NatCh. Dreamwater Puzzler - Munchkin - 1038 points
15th: MBISS NatCh. Infinity’s Malew - Cymric - 1005 points
16th: BIS BISS NatCh. Rainforest Allure’s Lamentations - Bengal - 1004 points
17th: NatCh. Dreamwater Hexpelt - Munchkin - 1001 points
18th: BIS GCh. Roux of Flourish CAB - Siberian Cat - 982
19th: GCh. Rainforest Allure's Melbourne - Australian Mist - 921.6 points
20th: BISS BIS Gch. Rainforest Allure's Adelaide - Australian Mist - 772.8 points

Leaderboards / 2023-1 Dog Leaderboard
« on: January 21, 2023, 12:41:01 AM »
This Year

1. MBISS IntCh. Foxglove's Prim and Proper BN MH SHR CGC - 2636 - American Cocker Spaniel
2. IntCh. Belladonna of Flourish BN JHA SHR CGCB - 2455 - American Cocker Spaniel
3. IntCh. Stardust of Flourish AD BN JHA CGC - 2250 - American Cocker Spaniel
4. NatCh. Foxglove's Freakin' Famous BN MH CGCB - 1535 - American Cocker Spaniel
5. BIS NatCh. TradeMark's Anaiel - American Staffordshire Terrier - 1103
6. MBIS BISS NatCh. Dreamwater King of the Castle - 1066 - White Swiss Shepherd
7. BIS NatCh. Dreamwater Fikri el-Dajani CGC JC - 1033 - Sloughi
9. NatCh. Dreamwater It’s the Most Wonderful Time - 1016 - White Swiss Shepherd
9. NatCh. Dreamwater Sapphire Mute BN - 1016 - Pomeranian
10. NatCh. Dreamwater Naasif el-Uddin AD CGC SC - 1016 - Sloughi


1st:  MBIS BISS WCh. TS Snuffleupagus - Pug - 4588
2nd: MBISS IntCh. Foxglove's Prim and Proper BN MH SHR CGC - 2636 - American Cocker Spaniel
3rd: BISS IntCh. Star Hunter’s Rose - Airedale Terrier - 2626
4th: IntCh. Belladonna of Flourish BN JHA SHR CGCB - 2455 - American Cocker Spaniel
5th: IntCh. Stardust of Flourish AD BN JHA CGC - 2250 - American Cocker Spaniel
6th: NatCh. Foxglove's Freakin' Famous BN MH CGCB - 1535 - American Cocker Spaniel
7th: MBIS BISS NatCh. Evolution's All the Buzz MC - Ibizan Hound - 1450
8th: BISS BIS NatCh. Star Hunter's The Rainbow Connection JE - Dachshund (Wire Haired) - 1305
9th: BIS NatCh. Hemlock Grove von. Void BH BtR HT ObH - Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) - 1235
10th: NatCh. Evolution's Float Like A Butterfly SC - Ibizan Hound - 1230
11th: BIS NatCh. Evolution's Attenion to Detail - Karelian Bear Dog - 1171
12th: BIS NatCh. Foxglove's Corpse Party JH - Curly Coated Retriever - 1150
13th: NatCh. TS I Close My Eyes AD HT RATN - Pumi - 1110
14th: BIS NatCh. Star Garden Holding On To You - Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren) - 1109
15th: BIS NatCh. TradeMark's Anaiel - American Staffordshire Terrier - 1103
16th: BIS NatCh. Evolution's Don't Touch This - Leonberger - 1091
17th: BIS NatCh. Foxglove's Red Matter JH - Red and White Setter - 1090
18th: BIS BISS NatCh. Infinity’s Rome Beauty - Miniature Pinscher - 1070.4
19th: MBIS BISS NatCh. Dreamwater King of the Castle - 1066 - White Swiss Shepherd
20th: BISS NatCh. Dreamwater Moonstone Arrow ADX - Russian Toy - 1055

Leaderboards / 2022-2 Horse Leaderboard
« on: August 18, 2022, 01:24:29 AM »
This Year

1. MCOC WCh. HuntOver - Quarter Horse - 3226.8
1. MCOC WCh. CSR Paradox EnN - Arabian - 3045
2. MCOC IntCh. PocketRocket - Quarter Horse - 2666
3. COC IntCh. TS Bugs - Shetland - 2389
4. MCOC IntCh. TS Soul Shine - Connemara - 2184
5. MCOC NatCh. TS Night Sky - Shetland Pony - 1823
6. MCOC NatCh. TS Time Warp Guy - Shetland Pony - 1809
7. COC NatCh. TS Whimsical - Miniature Horse - 1750
8. COC NatCh. CSR Basic Candy - Arabian - 1608
9. NatCh. VelvetRain - Thoroughbred - 1532
10. MCOC NatCh. TS And That's Beautiful You See - Connemara - 1499


1. MCOC WCh. HuntOver - Quarter Horse - 3226.8
2nd: MCOC WCh. CSR Paradox EnN - Arabian - 3045
3rd. MCOC IntCh. PocketRocket - Quarter Horse - 2666
4th: COC IntCh. TS Bugs - Shetland - 2389
5th: MCOC IntCh. TS Soul Shine - Connemara - 2184
6th: MCOC NatCh. TS Night Sky - Shetland Pony - 1823
7th: MCOC NatCh. TS Time Warp Guy - Shetland Pony - 1809
8th: COC NatCh. TS Whimsical - Miniature Horse - 1750
9th: COC NatCh. CSR Basic Candy - Arabian - 1608
10th: NatCh. VelvetRain - Thoroughbred - 1532
11th: MCOC NatCh. TS And That's Beautiful You See - Connemara - 1499
12th: COC NatCh. TS KitKat - Shetland Pony - 1422
13th: NatCh. TS Where Happy Starts - Connemara - 1379
14th: COC NatCh. RedDove - Thoroughbred - 1347
15th: NatCh. CSR Donut EnN - Arabian - 1009
16th: GCh. Phantasm OH - Andalusian - 673
17th: COC COSC GCh. Dreamwater Wretched Sentinel - Selle Francais - 593
18th: COC MCOSC GCh. AS Deck Of Cards - Icelandic Horse - 561
19th: GCh. Evolution's Eldhríð - Icelandic Horse - 541
20th: GCh. Merci of DW - American Shetland Pony - 517

Leaderboards / 2022-2 Cat Leaderboard
« on: August 17, 2022, 11:52:20 PM »
This Year

1. BIS NatCh. AS Tangelo CAB - Maine Coon - 1767
2. BIS NatCh. AS Queen CAB - Maine Coon - 1737
3. IntCh. AS Sir Russell - Maine Coon - 1282
4. IntCh. AS Rise Form The Fire - Maine Coon - 1223


1. BIS GCh. AS Tangelo CAB - Maine Coon - 1767
2. BIS NatCh. AS Queen CAB - Maine Coon - 1737
3: MBIS NatCh. TradeMark's Odd one Out - Bombay - 1568 points
4th: IntCh. AS Sir Russell - Maine Coon - 1282
5th: IntCh. AS Rise Form The Fire - Maine Coon - 1223
6th: MBISS NatCh. Infinity’s Peter Piper - Balinese - 1196
7th: MBIS NatCh. Dreamwater Atomizer - Munchkin - 1076 points
8th: MBIS NatCh. Dreamwater Puzzler - Munchkin - 1038 points
9th: MBISS NatCh. Infinity’s Malew - Cymric - 1005 points
10th: BIS BISS NatCh. Rainforest Allure’s Lamentations - Bengal - 1004 points
11th: NatCh. Dreamwater Hexpelt - Munchkin - 1001 points
12th: GCh. Rainforest Allure's Melbourne - Australian Mist - 921.6 points
13th: BISS BIS Gch. Rainforest Allure's Adelaide - Australian Mist - 772.8 points
14th: GCh. TradeMark's Harvest Moon Howl - Lykoi - 750 points
15th: Gch. TradeMark's Oh Ruby Red - Abyssinian - 740 points
16th: BIS Gch. Rainforest Allure's Brisbane - Australian Mist - 732 points
17th: BIS Gch. Rainforest Allure's Rest Assured - Abyssinian - 725 points
18th: GCh. Infinity’s Marooney - Cymric - 716
19th: GCh. Infinity’s Andreas - Cymric - 712
20th: BIS GCh. Rainforest Allure's Shatter The Monarchy - Turkish Van - 704 points

Leaderboards / 2022-2 Dog Leaderboard
« on: August 17, 2022, 11:48:03 PM »
This Year

1. MBIS BISS WCh. TS Snuffleupagus - Pug - 4588
2. BISS IntCh. Star Hunter’s Rose - Airedale Terrier - 2626
3. BIS NatCh. Hemlock Grove von. Void BH BtR HT ObH - Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) - 1235
3. BIS BISS NatCh. Infinity’s Rome Beauty - Miniature Pinscher - 1070.4
4. NatCh. Star Garden Let Me In Your Heart HS SWN - Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael) - 1032
5. NatCh. Dreamwater Rindraek AD BN - Miniature Pinscher - 1016
6. BIS NatCh. Dreamwater Queen of Hearts AD JC - Whippet - 1008
7. BIS NatCh. Dreamwater Ryuzeez AD PT - Finnish Lapphund - 1000
8. GCh. Infinity’s Nickajack - Miniature Pinscher - 998
9. GCh. Infinity’s Prima - Miniature Pinscher - 794.4
10. GCh. Infinity’s Super Shepherd - Border Collie - 680.4


1st:  MBIS BISS WCh. TS Snuffleupagus - Pug - 4588
2nd: BISS IntCh. Star Hunter’s Rose - Airedale Terrier - 2626
3rd: MBIS BISS NatCh. Evolution's All the Buzz MC - Ibizan Hound - 1450
4th: BISS BIS NatCh. Star Hunter's The Rainbow Connection JE - Dachshund (Wire Haired) - 1305
5th: BIS NatCh. Hemlock Grove von. Void BH BtR HT ObH - Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) - 1235
6th: NatCh. Evolution's Float Like A Butterfly SC - Ibizan Hound - 1230
7th: BIS NatCh. Evolution's Attenion to Detail - Karelian Bear Dog - 1171
8th: BIS NatCh. Foxglove's Corpse Party JH - Curly Coated Retriever - 1150
9th: NatCh. TS I Close My Eyes AD HT RATN - Pumi - 1110
10th: BIS NatCh. Star Garden Holding On To You - Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren) - 1109
11th: BIS NatCh. Evolution's Don't Touch This - Leonberger - 1091
12th: BIS NatCh. Foxglove's Red Matter JH - Red and White Setter - 1090
13th: BIS BISS NatCh. Infinity’s Rome Beauty - Miniature Pinscher - 1070.4
14th: BISS NatCh. Dreamwater Moonstone Arrow ADX - Russian Toy - 1055
15th: NatCh. Dreamwater Desa AD PT - Finnish Lapphund - 1051
16th: NatCh. Foxglove's Don't Panic JH - Small Munsterlander - 1050
17th: NatCh. Star Garden Let Me In Your Heart HS SWN - Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael) - 1032
18th: BIS GCh. Foxglove's Gunner's Dream - Flat Coated Retriever - 1032
19th: NatCh. Dreamwater Rindraek AD BN - Miniature Pinscher - 1016
20th: BISS NatCh. DW Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree - White Swiss Shepherd - 1015

Member Announcements / 2022-2 Upcoming Litters - List now OPEN! :D
« on: July 19, 2022, 07:55:13 AM »
Hi everyone! I have a couple of litters planned for this sim year and wanted to open lists early to give people a chance to register their interest!
Some of these girls listed will never be bred again, as a lot of them (particularly my MAS) are approaching that 12-year mark. This is likely your best time to get a pup!

These litters will likely not be open to public choosing, so if you want a pup or two please add your name. It's free to enter the list and you can withdraw at any time, including when the pups are born.
I don't plan on ultrasound-ing any litters (due to how many there are), so the number that's born is born - if I plan on breeding the girl twice, it's on the litter notes here.

If I owe you a pup from a specific breed, your name is already down - if there's more than 1 pair for that breed, you're down for both. Feel free to withdraw if you don't want a pup from that breeding, or any of the breedings :)

How my lists work
Register your interest - first come first served. If you're first to register the interest, you're first to pick a pup.
If you want a pup from a pairing but the main slots are filled, take an emergency slot. Chances are you'll still get a pup!
Once the list has chosen their pups, we cycle around until everyone has taken the pups they want.
Remaining pups are either culled. Huge (or exceptional) litters may be publicly offered, but it is not a guarantee.

Additional Notes
Waiting lists are free to add yourself to and free to withdraw yourself from!
My pups are still starting at $1500 for the time being, and I don't think any of these pups will cost more than that.
No affected pups will be sold and if a pup isn't considered 'up to my standard' I'll likely sell them at a lower price than the rest.
Co-ownerships are available for all these litters and encouraged! The usual price of pup for a breeding slot or future pup back is open!

Just to note - titles are not yet up to date. These will be the first records I update though :)
All my litters are going to be extensively tested through the SSKC, if you're interested or have been using that system too!

Litters expected in the next 2-4 weeks

Litter A: Hemlock Grove
Sire: GCh. Hemlock Grove von. Void BH HT "Roman" (b. 2018-2)
Dam: Ch. Pretty Dirty Face von. Void BH BN "Chelci" (b. 2018-2)
Expecting all pups to be Grey Sable, likely masked
Pups are guaranteed Excellent eyes
Pups won't be affected by any Breed Health Issues, but could be DM and MPS VII carriers

Taking 2 slots
1. Starwalker
2. Hellhound
3. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter B: Shark Films
Sire: GCh. Hemlock Grove von. Void BH HT "Roman" (b. 2018-2)
Dam: Bleed Out z Void
"Genesis" (b. 2018-1)
Expecting all pups to be Grey Sable, likely all masked
Pups are guaranteed Excellent eyes and guaranteed Good elbows
Pups won't be affected by any Breed Health Issues, but could be DM and MPS VII carriers

Taking 2 slots
1. Starwalker
2. Hellhound
3. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter B: Dragon
Sire: Venom z Void "Venom" (b. 2019-1)
Dam: Roulette z Void ObH "Roulette" (b. 2019-1)
Only Sable pups expected
Pups have a chance of carrying MPS VII and Renal Cancer Syndrome.

1. Jasmine
2. Hellhound
3. Tia

The GSD list is now officially closed.

Litter D: Tour de France
Sire: BIS Ch. Dragon Tooth's Boom Room "Fender" (b. 2017-2)
Dam: Foxglove's Tricks to Teach "Pepper" (b. 2017-1)
Black Bicolour, Blue Merle Bicolour, Red Bicolour and Red Merle Bicolour expected. No Tricolours.
Pups are guaranteed Good eyes
Could be MDR1 carriers

Will be bred twice
Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Tia
3. Aara

Emergency Slots

Litter E: Marvel
Sire: Dragon Tooth's Razzle Dazzle "Raz" (b. 2017-2)
Dam: Foxglove's Catwalk Performance "Myrna" (b. 2017-1)
Black Bicolour, Blue Merle Bicolour, Blue Merle Bicolour Ticked and Black Bicolour Ticked expected. No present tricolours.
Pups are guaranteed Good hearing and hips
Could be HSF4 Gene Mutation carriers

Will be bred twice
Taking 2 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter A: Alfred Hitchcock Films
Sire: Ch. So Cool von. Void CGC    "Blitz" (b. 2018-2)
Dam: Ch. Screaming Sick von. Void    "Venetia" (b. 2018-1)
Black and Rust guaranteed
Pups are guaranteed Good hips
Could carry vWD, DM, Wobbler's and PRA

Will be bred twice - all affected culled.
Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Kaxanar
3. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter B: Iggy Pop Songs
Sire: Iggy Pop v Void    "Iggy" (b. 2020-2)
Dam: Ch. Screaming Sick von. Void    "Venetia" (b. 2018-1)
Black Rust and Blue Rust expected
Pups are guaranteed Excellent elbows
Could carry DM and Wobblers

Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Kaxanar
3. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litters expected in the next 2 months

Litter A: Twisted Fairy Tales
Sire: GCh. Foxglove's Totally Wicked CGC "Akuji" (b. 2018-2)
Dam: MBIS GCh. Foxglove's Oh No You Didn't! "Sceptic" (b. 2018-2)
Likely all Red and White pups
Pups are guaranteed Excellent eyes and guaranteed Good elbows
Pups will only have a chance of carrying PRA-prcd, all other health concerns are clear.

Taking 3 slots
1. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter B: Magic /
Sire: GCh. Foxglove's Totally Wicked CGC "Akuji" (b. 2018-2)
Dam: BISS Ch. Foxglove's So You Wanna Play with Magic? BCAT "Asteria" (b. 2018-2)
Likely all Brindle and White pups
Pups are guaranteed Excellent eyes
Pups will only have a chance of carrying PRA-prcd, all other health concerns are clear.

Taking 3 slots
1. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter A: European Noble Houses
Sire: GCh. Foxglove's House of Orange AD RATN "Seppe" (b. 2018-2)
Dam: Ch. Foxglove's Bad Influence AD "Romee" (b. 2018-1)
Red and White and Black and White pups expected
Pups are guaranteed Good hearing

Taking 1 slots
1. Vienna Raine - from previous conversations
2. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter B: Mistresses of the Kings of France / Leaders of Rebellion
Sire: Foxglove's Rebel Yell "Idol" (b. 2019-2)
Dam: Foxglove's Indecent Proposal CGC "Demi" (b. 2017-2)
Only particolours expected - blues or diluted reds
Could be PRA-rcd4 or Elliptocytosis B-Spectrin carriers

Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Starwalker
3. Tia
4. Aara

Emergency Slots

Litter C: Starships / Next top Model winners
Sire: Foxglove's Rebel Yell "Idol" (b. 2019-2)
Dam: Foxglove's Catwalk Performance "Gisele" (b. 2017-2)
Only particolours expected - black or reds
Could be PRA-rcd4, DM, NEwS or vWD carriers

Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Starwalker
3. Tia
4. Aara

Emergency Slots

Litter J: Dystopia YA Books
Sire: Dragon Tooth's Licensed to Thrill    "Tadeo" (b. 2019-2)
Dam: Ch. Dragon Tooth's Apocalypse Now AD PT    "Nova" (b. 2017-2)
Black and Red Tricolours - some pups may be ticked
Could be DM, MDR1 or PRCD-pra carriers

Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter K: Amusement Parks / Rollercoasters
Sire: Dragon Tooth's Licensed to Thrill    "Tadeo" (b. 2019-2)
Dam: Ch. Dragon Tooth's Round and Round ADX BN PT RATN "Sasha" (b. 2017-2)
Black and Red Tricolours - some pups may be ticked
Pups are guaranteed Good eyes
Could be DM, HSF4 Gene Mutation, MDR1 or PRCD-pra carriers

Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Tia

Emergency Slots

No date yet given

Litter D: No Theme Yet
Sire: Sire not yet decided - will be an outside stud
Dam: Dragon Tooth's Maybe It's Fate CGC PT "Kismet" (b. 2018-1)
Not sure what colours yet, but should be another rainbow litter. Kismet is Brown Sable.
Cannot guarantee any health yet due to an unknown sire, but sire will match Kismet well. There will be no chance of CEA, MDR1, NCL5 or Sensory Neuropathy affected pups.

Taking 0 slots. Only emergency slots left.
1. Jasmine
2. Kaxanar
3. Starwalker
4. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter A: No Theme Yet
Sire: Dragon Tooth's Catalan Casanova "Amadou" (b. 2021-1)
Dam: Dragon Tooth's Bee Witching "Peronne" (b. 2018-1)
Black and White or Brindle and White pups are expected
Pups are guaranteed Good hips
Pups have a chance of carrying PRA-prcd

Taking 2 slots
1. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter A: No Theme Yet
Sire: FOX! Slither "Boa" (b. 2021-2)
Dam: FOX! Better Watch Out "Karasi" (b. 2018-1)
Black pups guaranteed
Pups are guaranteed Excellent hearing
Pups have a chance of carrying JLPP, affected HUU pups culled.

Taking 2 slots
1. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter F: No Theme Yet
Sire: Dragon Tooth's Drain You AD "Tripp" (b. 2019-2)
Dam: Dragon Tooth's Too Many People "Paloma" (b. 2017-2)
Black Tricolour and Blue Merle Tricolour - likely minimal tan points
Pups are guaranteed Good hearing and hips
Could be DM, HSF4 Gene Mutation or PRCD-pra carriers

Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter G: No Theme Yet
Sire: No sire yet - inside kennel likely
Dam: Dragon Tooth's No Mistake She's Mine AD CGC "Juniper" (b. 2017-2)

Taking 1]/color] slots
1. Jasmine
2. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter H: No Theme Yet
Sire: No sire yet - inside kennel likely
Dam: Dragon Tooth's Black Star Surprise "Ascella" (b. 2017-2)

Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Tia

Emergency Slots

Litter I: No Theme Yet
Sire: No sire yet - inside kennel likely
Dam: Dragon Tooth's American Smooth "Talia" (b. 2017-1)

Taking 1 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Tia

Emergency Slots

Thank you for reading this chunk of a post! Good luck this new year, and I hope to see you all with some flashy cute pups!

Member Announcements / Come and Brag!
« on: June 15, 2022, 10:31:03 PM »
A long overdue brag post is here, just in time for the SS Annual Show ;)
Come share all your well-earned achievements! Good luck to everyone who has entered this years Annual Show too!

I feel like I should give one to start us all off so - I recently achieved (what I think is the first) ADX Gold with my MAS bitch Estella! She formally goes by Dragon Tooth's Kiss and Tell :)
Hopefully I can get some more word jenga on her this next year!

General Discussion / Birthday Wishes!
« on: August 27, 2021, 02:00:39 AM »
A neat little idea that I hope you all would like! Similar to the Christmas Secret Santa, if you leave your birthday and a wishlist perhaps you'll get some birthday presents!
I'll leave a master of everybody's birthdays below and their wishes - just comment them to be added :)


Aurryinne [16th] - No wishes yet!
Tia [28th] - Anything weird and rare

shenanigans [26th] - anything, just some well wishes (or dobermans/cresteds ;))

Starwalker [5th] - Herding, Sled Dogs or Hounds!

Tallon [27th] - Birthday wishes + GSDs

Jasmine [3rd] -  Anything she currently owns :)
Aara [10th] - Interestingly coated dogs, unique markings, fun genetics (to not understand ;)) Sighthounds & Spitz breeds would be cool

Rotte [21st] - No preferences!

Vienna Raine [1st] - Herding, working or Sighthounds; any fluffy and/or bobtail cat breeds; poniessss!

Kaxanar [29th] - More toy + herding breeds, especially chocolates + tricolours, and any fluffy cats!

News / Registered Name Changes
« on: August 19, 2021, 11:03:23 AM »
Hiya all!

As of today, registered names are to be limited to 30 characters. This includes your prefix, any spaces within the name and any punctuation used within the registered name. We've had to make this change due to the database.
If you're worried that your registered name is too long, there are plenty of character counting tools on the internet free to use!

Have a good week everybody!

General Discussion / CLOSED - Dasarak Raffle Coupons
« on: July 27, 2021, 03:35:29 AM »
Bit of fun! 100 slots (may be increased), 25 Dasarak Coupons up for grabs!
You may claim as many as you would like and either choose your numbers or have them randomly selected.
Winners receive a Dasarak Coupon. You can trade these in on the official Dasarak Sales/Litters Post for one free Dasarak of any individual per coupon.

Closing Date: When 100 slots are reached or 30th August

To claim a slot, please state the number of slots you'd like and their numbers, or ask for 'random' numbers!

  • Vienna Raine
  • Vienna Raine
  • KovanEmpire
  • KovanEmpire
  • Vienna Raine
  • Starwalker123
  • Kaxanar
  • Vienna Raine
  • KovanEmpire
  • Kaxanar
  • Vienna Raine
  • Starwalker123
  • Vienna Raine
  • KovanEmpire
  • Kaxanar
  • Starwalker123
  • KovanEmpire
  • Starwalker123
  • Kaxanar
  • Starwalker123
  • Kaxanar

Good luck to all!

General Discussion / Rotte Contract Signing
« on: July 19, 2021, 11:39:55 AM »
As of 2021 - 2, all contracts will be signed via this topic for my establishments. This makes it easier to track and quicker for everyone to get their pups!
If your contract has been changed or revoked it will be in the first reply to this topic.

Main contract
Kensington Spaniel Contract | Dasarak Contract

After you have applied for your pup/s, please copy the form below to state that you have read my contract, agree to the terms and will abide by it.

Code: [Select]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Litter: [/b]
[b]Pup (Registered Name or Pup Number / Collar Colour) this contract applies to: [/b]
[b]Full Contract or Co-Own: [/b]
[i]I agree to the terms of the contract.[/i]

If you are signing a contract for a Dasarak (all variations) or a Kensington Spaniel, please use the following code:
Code: [Select]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Litter: [/b]
[b]Pup/s this contract applies to: [/b]
[b]Full Contract or Co-Own: [/b]
[i]I agree to the terms of contract. I understand that Rotte may still have some breeding terms attached to the dog/s I am purchasing. This has been discussed prior to purchasing the dog/s. [/i]

I hope this makes it quicker than google forms! <3 Thank you!

Member Announcements / Foxglove is looking for Affiliations! [Closed]
« on: July 19, 2021, 08:04:06 AM »
I am opening affiliation requests for Foxglove for the year 2021 - 2! Requests to become an affiliate will be open until the 1st of August :)

About Foxglove
Established in 2020 - 2, Foxglove is one of the most notable names within the Gundog community. We are a multi-facility kennel, with Foxglove Grove (Kensington Spaniel) and Foxglove Holt (Terriers & Working) also being a part of Foxglove.
Foxglove is located in Whitby, Yorkshire, and is directly attached to Dragon Tooth!

Why affiliate?
Affiliations are free currently and come with multiple perks! As of current these are the following, but these may be altered and added to at any time:
  • 1 free breeding per sim year*
  • 1 free pup per sim year*
  • you may be given priority in some litters and/or asked if you'd like a pup from a private litter
  • discounts on shows held at or hosted by Foxglove
  • can host shows using Foxglove equipment / hosted at Foxglove*
  • open to roleplay with any of the dogs at any of the Foxglove establishments

Current Foxglove Establishments:
Foxglove Gundogs - biggest establishment; all the Gundogs are here.
Foxglove Grove - home to the Kensington Spaniel
Foxglove Holt - establishment for Terriers and some Working breeds, such as the Caucasian Ovcharka

Studs are up to my discretion. All studs that are listed in the studbook will be approved, anyway. If there is a stud not in the book that you'd like to use, PM me and we can likely negotiate using him!
Pups must be born in, or after, the year 2021 - 2 to be eligible to be picked for free. Some pups (for example from high titled parents) may not be eligible for these.
Free breedings currently stack per year. Pups do not stack. Both can be given as free coupons throughout the year.

Affiliates form
Feel free to leave breed specialisation/s blank if you do not have specific ones you'd like to affiliate with
Code: [Select]
[b]Your Name: [/b]
[b]Establishment: [/b]
[b]Breed specialisation/s: [/b]

Thank you all so much! Happy new sim year!

Affiliated with
Star Hunter (no speciality) with Starwalker123

Evolution Icelandics (Gundogs, Kensington Spaniel, Ovcharkas) with Vienna Raine

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