These will be the only breedings I do for show this year - every single litter listed here will be the dog's final litter as they are to retire this coming year (or next year)!
Similar to last year, only going to breed these girls once and without an ultrasound so the amount we get is the amount we get. If for some reason the waiting list is longer than pups received, I'll breed a second breeding.
Just register your interest if you think you'll want one

You can drop out or deny a pup at any point.
I know some people have downsized their kennels since the original lists were out so if you no longer want to be on litters let me know.
I will make all my litters so that the pups are 2ish years so that you do not have to wait for them to adult out lol
How my lists workRegister your interest - first come first served. If you're first to register the interest, you're first to pick a pup.
If you want a pup from a pairing but the main slots are filled, take an emergency slot. Chances are you'll still get a pup!
Once the list has chosen their pups, we cycle around until everyone has taken the pups they want.
Additional NotesWaiting lists are
free to add yourself to and
free to withdraw yourself from!
These pups will either be $1000 or free with a pup back from first litter (bitch) or breeding slot (dog)
How to Claim your Place[/u]
Please fill out the form for every litter you want to apply for!
[b]Breed: [/b]
[b]Pairing: [/b]
[b]Sex preferred if any: [/b]
If you want in on all litters for a breed or all litters in general - just post all please to be added
Just to note - titles are not yet up to date. These will be the first records I update though

All my litters are going to be extensively tested through the SSKC, if you're interested or have been using that system too!
Irish SetterGCH. Foxglove's Red Nephin AD CGC JH x FOX FidalgoMum is a Red and Dad is a Mahogany, so different shades may appear in this litter.
Mum is likely to be a Nat+ Champ now, dad has no show history (breed boost dog).
6 slots
GCH. Foxglove's Red Red Wine JH X GCh. Foxglove's Hound of Baskerville CGCMum and Dad are both Reds so only reds will happen in this litter.
Both parents have extensive show history and both likely Nat+ Champs now.
6 slots
KooikerhondjeGCH. Foxglove's Sea Hague x GCh. Foxglove's Search of Lost TimeMum and Dad are both Red and Whites (no pirates and no sables / tipped), so only reds this time.
Both parents have extensive show history and are likely Nat+ Champs now too.
3 slots
Miniature American ShepherdDragon Tooth's God was a Girl x Dragon Tooth's Licensed to Thrill Mum is a Red Merle Tri (with minimal tan points) and Dad is a Black Tri, so expecting all merles with tan points (including minimally tan pointed)
Both parents have extensive show history and records will be updated before bred.
3 slots
1. Jasmine
2. Kaxanar
3. Star
Dragon Tooth's Too Many People x Dragon Tooth's Drain You AD Rolled litter from last year. Only Black Tris or Blue Merle Tris with minimal tan points.
3 slots
1. Jasmine (confirmed - rolled)
2. Tia (rolled)
3. Kaxanar
Dragon Tooth's Black Star Surprise x Dragon Tooth's Talk of the DevilA rolled litter, which finally has a sire lol. Ascella is to retire this year so I will get everything up to date for this breeding to be rolled quick lol.
3 slots
1. Jasmine (confirmed - rolled)
2. Tia (rolled)
3. Kaxanar
Dragon Tooth's No Mistake She's Mine x Dragon Tooth's Licensed to Thrill Another rolled litter. Merles and non merles in this one, wide variety of colour

3 slots
1. Jasmine (confirmed - rolled)
2. Tia (rolled)
3. Kaxanar
Border CollieCh. Dragon Tooth's Purple Flame BN PT x FOX Double DelightMum is a Lilac Tri and Dad is a Sable, expected colours are:
Shaded Sables and Sables, with both black and chocolate noses.
Mum has an extensive show history and is an incredible sports dog. She will also be having a border-whip litter this year (see end of post). Dad is a breed boost dog.
10 slots
1. Aara (no sex preference)
2. Jasmine
3. Kaxanar
4. Star
Dragon Tooth's Maybe It's Fate CGC PT x FOX On Cloud Nine x Puttin' on the Ritz Was meant to be bred last year, but forgot to breed it and a sire was never chosen.
Sire has now been chosen! List has been rolled so if you're not interested anymore just let me know and I'll pop you off. It is a dual-sired litter (litter will be ran twice) so you can choose your preferred sire if you wish.
I've had this girl since I started SS So she'll have plenty of show history.
Sire one (FOX On Cloud Nine) is a breed boost dog so no breed history. He is a Gold Merle. Expected colours from this pairing: Gold Merle and White or Gold and Whites.
Sire two (Puttin on the Ritz) isn't a breed boost dog but is a fab dog starting their show career. Expected colours are a rainbow of colours including Brindles, Blues, Blacks and Shaded Sables, including blue brindles.
6 slots (you're able to choose a pup from both litters)
1. Jasmine (confirmed - rolled) *first pick
2. Kaxanar (rolled)
3. Star (rolled)
4. Tia (rolled)
Poodle (Standard)Foxglove's Indecent Proposal CGC x FOX Dream ChasingWas meant to breed this girl last year and apparently never got around to it. She is a ticked Blue Parti with a great show history now! She is only a carrier for Elliptocysis B-Spectrin too so great if you wanna improve your Poodle program.
Dad is a breed boost dog so has no history - he is an apricot parti.
Expecting Black & Red partis.
5 slots
1. Aara (no sex preference)
2. Jasmine
3. Star
Foxglove's Catwalk Performance x FOX Ice FinesseGisele was bred last year but we wanted to breed an all-phantom litter. This is her retirement litter once more. We now have studs in the picture to give us said phantom litter

Dad is breed boost dog - no history for him.
Expecting Black Phantoms ONLY.
Chances of some puppies to be culled from this breeding so may be bred twice or ultrasounded yet (depends if people want phantom babies??)
1 slots
1. Jasmine (confirmed - rolled)
2. Star (rolled from last list)
3. Tia (rolled from last list)
4. Aara (rolled from last list)
Lagotto RomagnoloGCh. Foxglove's Rotten Apple CGC JH x NatCh. Foxglove's Cosmic Event CGC JH I am currently (somehow) the only one campaigning this BEAUTIFUL breed. My boy is literally a year off retiring so hoping we can get his pups out in the ring. Lilith is the only one of my girls slightly compatible with him though, so again tetchy breeding that might need rebreeding?
Both dogs are incredible in show history. They have outdated records but I have no doubt their names have now turned into title alphabetti-spaghetti.
I imagine we will get Liver and Whites and solid Whites.
3 slots
1. Star
Cimarron UruguayoFOX! Voodoo Lily x FOX! JabbawockyThis girl is again a year off retiring and again another small breed. Think me and Jas are the only ones currently campaigning them. Fab primitive breed if you like them!
Both have good show careers - will update recs and update this post with them I promise lol
All brindles with masks expected, ranging between a pale red and a dark red.
5 slots
1. Star
Belgian MalinoisBleed Out z Void x London in Terror z VoidThere is potential may not go ahead if there is no interest. Gen had a litter last year (shark film litter) which came out pretty nice. Will only breed if I can guarantee homes for at least three other pups (me included).
Both parents have good show history but records need to be updated. This will be Pistol's first litter. Pups should come out nice and not affected for any diseases, and good OFA wise too. Only Red Masked Sables for this litter guys.
5 slots (need 3 for breeding to go ahead)
1. Star
MarkiesjeCh. Foxglove's Bad Influence AD x GCh. Foxglove's House of Orange AD RATNRolled over from last year as the breeding never took place. A fab little breed that definitely needs more fans to campaign it here on the game

Just google them - they're super cute.
Red and White pups and Black and White pups only will be expected with this pairing. Both fab sport and show dogs who have great show history from multiple years.
1 slots
1. Vienna Raine (rolled from old list)
2. Tia (rolled from old list)
Siberian HuskyAS You Need Me x FOX Blood RavenTo take place next year when Isolde has campaigned the year out. My boy is close to retiring, has been shown a lot the last year and so I believe he's champed out. His OFA results rolled super nice so would be nice to continue that in. Isolde has a fab pedigree and is related to Star's Token, who was a fab Sibe who retired out this year after reaching World Champ.
Could be an abundance of colour or not at all lol, we will see.
3 slots (remember breeding at the end of the year)
1. Aara (no sex preference)
2. Kaxanar
3. Tallon
4. Star
Pyrenean ShepherdDragon Tooth's Bee Witching x Dragon Tooth's Catalan CasanovaAnother rolled litter, I believe I'm the only one campaigning this breed again. Another fab herding breed.
Pups will be Black and White or Brindle and White.
3 slots (remember breeding at the end of the year)
1. Tia (rolled)
Black Russian TerrierFOX! Better Watch Out x FOX! SlitherKarasi's last year so pups will definitely be born this year, but rolled from last year. Boa is a younger dog but both have good show histories already.
Only black pups expected.
3 slots (remember breeding at the end of the year)
1. Tia (rolled)
Border Whippet - Sport MixBred for Agility, Dock Diving and Flyball prospects. Testing will be done via the SSKC
Ch. Dragon Tooth's Purple Flame BN PT x FOX Perfect PlutoI have wanted to do a Border Whip litter for a while and this girl is an incredible sports dog so a great candidate. Dad is a breed health boost dog with no sporting history.
Fab if you're looking to get into sports mixes and have more fun in the sport clubs here on SSKC.
All pups will be Lilacs, dad is watermarked so possibility for it to pass through to pups too. Mum is a shorter coated rough so they'll likely not be long coats!
6 slots
1. Aara (no sex preference)
2. Jasmine
3. Kaxanar (female pref)
4. Star
I may add one or two litters yet but this is the final list for now. Thanks guys