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Topics - Tia

Pages: 1 2
News / Reopening Trade in!
« on: July 24, 2024, 11:07:10 PM »
Are you looking to start over and don't have a use for a lot of your animals? Is the market for the animals low and selling isn't happening? Well, welcome to Show Standards grand opening trade in! This is a simple concept, you are able to trade in animals you no longer need/want in exchange for creations!

10 animals = a creation or breeding credit of your choice.

Why 10 animals for one? The idea of doing this is to lower the number of animals on Show Standards. This allows people to clean up their stock, without bringing in a 100 more animals to process and register.

You may choose EITHER one (1) creation credit OR ONE (1) breeding credit per 10 animals retired. It is not one of each.

Animals that you retire must have your prefix OR you must have permission from the breeder if it doesn't. If the person in question is no longer active, then you may retire them without permission.

Please follow the form and make sure it is filled out properly.

If you want to add more animals, post a new reply, do NOT edit your first one please! This will keep us from missing anyone!

This event will end with our hard opening on Monday, July 29th, 2024 (AST when Tia gets on!)


Code: [Select]
[b]Number of Animals retired: [/b]
[b]Number of Creation Credits Requested: [/b]
[b]Number of BReeding credits Requested:[/b]


Registration Number - Animals name

Registration Number - Animals name

Registration Number - Animals name

News / Welcome back!
« on: July 24, 2024, 10:54:22 PM »
Welcome back to Show Standards everyone!

We're very excited to bring the site back to you and get back to playing around with our sim animals. We appreciate all your patience and are thankful that you all choose to stick around. Now, we do have some changes that we'll list below, please read them carefully and reach out if you have any questions!

Change of ages:

We have changed the aging process from every six months, to one year. This just gives people more wiggle room for collecting points and everything else. As such, you will see the ages in the registries have changed from having he 1 or 2 at the end to just being the year in question. We understand that with horses especially this does mean there are a couple extra foals in some years, instead of changing the year those babies were born, we're just saying they were surrogate born, just to keep it easy.

Please note, this did not change anything for animals that were due to retire in 2024-2. Those animals still retired, and will stay retired.


We have gone to a credit system for breedings as well as creations, and prices have changed. On January 1st of each year, you may deposit 10 free breeding and creation credits for use. These credits CAN roll over (so if you have 5 left from the year before, you will not lose those). You may also choose to breed an animal for someone and use your credit, but you can not sell credits. IE you can't take $5000 and just transfer them over. You will be responsible for posting the breeding, registering the offspring etc.

You are still able to buy more creation and breeding credits if you want more! However, the price is step at $100 000 per credit. This is to limit the amount coming into the economy, and making bloodlines more important (while cutting down on work for admins).

With breedings now, 1 creation credit will allow you to keep half a litter, while using 2 credits will allow you to keep the whole litter.

There is also a credit tracker to be posted when you post your registration post, this must be kept up to date, and we'll be looking for them to be updated before creations or breedings are processed. If you don't update, we won't process, period.

Last thing, there will now only be ONE (1) registration post per person, please do not break it down per establishment. This makes tracking credits easier on admins.

Board Clean up

Boards have been cleared, and cleaned up to give us a nice clean start! There might still be a few more clean ups, but here we are!

In closing!

We are welcoming you to our soft opening right now! Feel free to get your stuff sorted and posted, but we will not be updating anything until Monday, July 29, 2024 as there are still a few small things to finish, like updating dog ages in the registry. We will also NOT be allowing for the creation of shows until that time either. Otherwise, have fun, and welcome back!

News / Breeds in Development!
« on: July 02, 2024, 12:05:28 AM »
Hello everyone!

As a gift for your continued patience over our Hiatus, and to compensate for the changes in breeding and creating credits, we have decided to allow some of the breeds in development to fast track a bit to full breed status! If your breeds fit the following criteria then you can fill in the form below and submit them for approval!


1) A complete breed standard is posted and ready to go.
2) Three generations have been bred.
3) The project has to have been started PRIOR to the hiatus!

That's it! For the moment, the required amount of diversity and members interested in the breed has been suspended. This is temporary, and will be closed within a month or two.

If you have a breed in progress that you'd like us to review, please post the following code and we'll look into it!

Code: [Select]
[b]Your Name: [/b]
[b]Kennel Name: [/b]
[b]Breed Name: [/b]
[b]Link to Standard: [/b] [url=URL HERE] BREED NAME Standard [/url]

[b]Please List dogs for the breed under here! All dogs MUST be listed so that we can switch the breed name in the registry![/b]
Registration number - Name

Please tag staff in the help channel of the discord if you have any questions or concerns!

- Tia

General Discussion / Need help with your New breeds? Look here!
« on: December 14, 2022, 02:24:45 AM »
Hey everyone!

If you're looking for help creating breeds, I'm here to help! I have an insane amount of money stacked up and I'm interested in a new project or six as I get my records in order.

There are two ways I'd love to help!

1) I'm offering a donation of $5 million to people creating breeds to help with that process! The money can be used to pay breeding fees, buy new creations, show hosting, etc! Whatever help you need!

2) I'd like to get involved with a couple new breeds as well! I'm very interested in Gundogs and Hounds mostly, but I'm willing to branch out! Sell Me on your Breed and I'll look into creating my own line and getting things off the ground for you!

Post here if you'd like to take advantage so it's all in one place, please! Do not post in the discord as things go there to get lost and die because Tia will lose track xD


General Discussion / TradeMark's Giving Back Show Series!
« on: December 09, 2022, 04:51:51 AM »
Hello everyone!

While I've been away for a while, I'm planning a come back for December show wise! Yes, it's a  bit late, but we hope everyone will still be excited!

Tonight, I plan to start posting shows and the following is our schedule:

December 20th - 31st!

Group Specialties! These will be specialties for EACH standard group on SS. This is for cats, horses and dogs! Cost will be $1000 per establishment for ALL shows for ALL species! If you have any particular activities, specialty showsbl etc you'd like to see, post below!

December 23rd - 25th
All breed show Christmas celebrations for all species. No activities, just all breed shows. Cost will be $500 per species

December 20th - 31st
Hunting Club specialty series, will divide breeds by Huntung club groups and have two weeks worth of shows for them as well. Again, and specialties you'd like to see, let me know! Cost will be $1000 for all shows

December 26th - 31st
Breed specialties! Please post Breeds you'd like to see! I'm thinking about 10 breeds give or take for purebreds and I'd like to show case at LEAST 5 Breeds in development! Please post your breed and what sports they're developed for and I'll see what I can do
There may be some surprises too! So keep an eye out!

Also, i haven't decided prizes yet, but they will be significant!

News / Show Standards's First Trade and Create event!
« on: December 06, 2022, 12:03:21 AM »
Welcome to the first Trade and Create event for Show Standards! This event is quite simple, you'll be able to choose animals for retirement, and receive a free creation credit for it! Anyone may participate, but there are some rules to follow!

1) The rate will be 1 creation credit for every 2 animals you retire.
2) The animals in question MUST have your prefix, OR you must have permission from the person who's prefix is on the animal to retire it.
3) Creations will be halted for this week. You may post them, but after Monday, December 5th, 2022, till Monday, December 12th, 2022, none will be processed. Breedings may be done, but the registrations of those litters will not be.

As mentioned, the event will run from Monday, December 5th to Monday December 12th! There is NO limit to the amount of animals you may retire at this point. Simply fill in the form and post it below, then go add the creation credits to your registry posts! It's that simple.

Note, this is a trial run of this event, depending on how it works out, the staff may choose to repeat it in the future!

Please remember, you need 2 dogs for 1 creation credit, so double check that when you post!

Code: [Select]
[b]Your Name: [/b]
[b]Your Prefixes:[/b]


Registration Number - Full name

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Member Announcements / TradeMark's Sorry I've been gone raffle!
« on: August 18, 2022, 06:31:45 AM »
So basically life got in the way, all is good but I kind of disappeared for a bit there! I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things now!

All that being said, sorry I was gone and somehow I ended up with like $50million dollars  :o yeah... so here's what I'm going to do!

I'm hosting a raffle! It's free to enter, just post here up to 10 numbers from 1 - 200! That's it! On Sunday, August 28th, 2022, I will randomize 3 numbers between 1 and 200 and the following prizes are up for grabs!

1st: $10 million
2nd: $5 million
3rd $2.5 Million

I will allow for repeated numbers, however if that number is chosen by say 5 people, the prize will be divided by five for equal amounts. This means if 5 people win the $10 million dollar prize, each person will get $2 million, etc. So make sure you pick unique numbers! I will allow for you to choose different numbers up until I close this on Sunday (EST, so I think that's actually monday board time). But Once it's closed, it is closed! Keep that in mind!


Good luck! Simply post your numbers to enter, and again, this is completely free!

Member Announcements / Hunting Club of Show Standards 2022-1 Updates
« on: January 21, 2022, 07:00:40 AM »
Welcome to a new year everybody! I know it's late but I hope everyone had a wonderful holidays and is doing well.

As a lot of you have noticed, the Hunting Club has been down this year, and will continue to be for a massive overhaul and updates. This post is just to give you a sneak peek of all the stuff coming in the new year! Please feel free to post below if you have any questions, comments or concerns!

New Breed Entries!
Just as it sounds, we will going through and entering new accepted breeds into the registry! If you have some currently, please post them here and we'll look into them!

Breeds In Progress Program
This program will be getting its feet under itself in the new year, and will include conformation shows for breeds in progress,  along with specially designed activity shows that'll help you prove your new hunting breeds in Breed specific sports, and instinct testing. Note, we will accept new breeds NOW so we can get things set up! Please post the name of any hunting dogs you are creating below and a link to their creation post and I'll add them with the update!

Hunting Certifications:

These will be fun activities that can earn you club titles, but not take away from showing! These are tests that are designed to show your dogs ability in a real hunting situation.  Both purebreds and breeds in progress will be able to compete in these activities!

As you'll notice, there is a board for these on the Hunting Club page now, and more information will be coming about it shortly. As of right now here's how it'll work:

- Hunting Certifications will open the first week of every month and you will have from the first to the seventh to enter your dogs. Dogs make take ONE (1) Certification per month.

- Dogs will compete against themselves for a score between 1 and 100. This will be randomly rolled, and then if they are instinct tested they will have that added.

- Depending on the level, dogs will need a 50, 65 or 80 to pass their testing and earn a qualification. 

Currently the following activities will qualify for hunting certifications:

Singles Hunting (divided by group)
Pack Hunting
Earth dog
Barn Hunting  (modified)

There may be further breakdowns within sports based on Prey items and such with their own titles, and all these will have 3 levels.  I promise if it doesn't make great sense now, it will when it's organized properly.

Dogs will have to earn 3 qualifications in order to earn a title and move up a level in the first two, then 6 for the masters level.

So what are the levels/titles? All sports will have their own title, which is still being determined at this moment, and each title will correspond with a level. They are:

Beginners: earns 3 qualifications (scores over 50)
Juniors: earned after their beginners and is 3 qualifications (scores over 65)
Masters: earned after their juniors and is 6 qualifications (scores over 70).

Scores are not retroactive, so 5 qualifications over 70 at the beginners level will NOT count towards your Masters.

Cost has yet to be determined, but I'm thinking about $20 per dog per test.

Instinct Testing:

We use instinct testing in the Herding and Protection Club, and look forward to introducing it to the Hunting Club with a twist. The instinct tests will be per activity, but will not be used for every show Class going. That would be a lot.

Instead, it'll he used in the hunting Certifications and special stakes shows. These shows will be run on scores instead of random, and instinct tested dogs will get their test results as a bonus.

These tests will have a maximum of 50 though instead of 100 to keep it more fair. Dogs will roll 3 numbers between 50, and those will be averaged Out and rounded to the closest whole number.

Club Rare Breed Auction

This is exciting, and will be an auction open to Club members only! Remember, you only need 1 dog registered to be a number, which means entering 1 show!

These dogs will be created in pairs by the club, so you'll have all health and stats avaliable to you.  You will get them instinct tested (with advantage so they may be a bit higher;)), and they'll be 2 years old and ready to go.

I'm thinking the auction will start at $500 per PAIR. I'll be choosing one set, and I'll open voting for the other.

Other items I'm running out of time to post:

-Banking system for the club
- Other club titles to earn including total dogs and versatile titles.
- Hall of Fame
- Breed specialities and prestigious shows!
- Year end Awards
- Point Submission system

I hope you enjoy the preview! Let me know what you're most excited for and You'll recieve a credit for show entries in the new year!

Member Announcements / On the first day of Christmas TradeMark gave to me...
« on: September 13, 2021, 01:12:38 PM »
Hey you'll!

As some of you know, I'm planning a 12 days of Christmas show series for TradeMark come December! This series will be FREE to the community and have cat, dog, horse and livestock shows!

My question is, what kind of specialties, fun types of shows, etc would you like to see? This show series will have activities and conformation! So please let me know by posting your ideas below!

Member Announcements / The Genetics Manipulators Club of Show Standards
« on: September 05, 2021, 06:36:58 AM »
The Genetic Manipulators Club of Show Standards
An interest Check


The Genetic Manipulators Club (or GMC), is a public Club on Show Standards to help track, promote and aid in the creation of new breeds within the Show Standards community.

We plan on doing this by offering the following to our members:

Custom tracking sheets to our members to be used in organizing breed goals, breed Standards, requirements, and other breeders etc.

Shows for crossbreds who are aiming to become new breeds. This will include conformation shows, breed restricted activity tests, etc. Breeds registered with the GMC will also be automatically entered into the breed in progress programs in any of Tia's other clubs.

We are developing a new Show type that will allow for the evaluation of breeding stock. This will use a scoring system set up by the breed creator and the GMC to aid in determining the best breeding stock available!

Shows to evaluate and test foundation stock purebreds for up and coming breeds. Including conformation, activities and the above mentioned breeding shows. These shows will ONLY be open to registered breeders of the breed as it is assumed those dogs they own will be used to create these breeds.

The GMC will be open to ALL species avaliable on Show Standards! This will make it the first multi-Species club!

We will be looking into custom certificates for animals that hit different milestones within the club,  plus end of year prizes, etc! Since crossbreds can't earn points or titles in breed restricted sports, this will allow you to have something to brag about!

The GMC will be working with Tia's other clubs that are breed restrictive to allow for cross club awards/points/etc collection! Plus we are open to doing this with any other club who's interested!


Right now there will be two costs:

Breed Registration: this is paid ONCE to register a new breed and do the set up. This is required before anyone else may register as another breeder or Show foundations of that breed. This must be done by the breeds creator. The cost is $5000 per breed to register.

Breeder Registration: you must register you establishment with the GMC in order for your animals to compete. This will be a yearly requirement for all establishments! The cost of this is $500 per breed, regardless of species and covers ALL animals you own for that breed. So if you're involved with 5 breeds, it would be $2500 a SS year.

Note! You do NOT have to pay a breeders registration IF you are the creator of that breed. You simply pay to register the breed and are done.

This is an interest Check ONLY! Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions!

News / Surprises and Disaster 2021-2
« on: August 26, 2021, 05:05:11 AM »
Hello everyone!

As many of you know, life has been a bit crazy for me with the move and everything else. That is going to happen on Sunday, August 29th for me and I'll be without internet anywhere from a week or two, right up to a month! I know, I know, it's horrible. But what can you do?

Because of everything I kind of did a really bad job with S/Ds this time around! Sorry about that. So if you have replied at least once to your thread, I will be going through and offering you a reward as a sorry from me. I will be doing a September round and will post those up hopefully today. With any luck, since that's the most I'll be able to do from my phone, I should keep up with these better!

Thanks again for your patience, you have no idea how much it means!


Member Announcements / Which do you prefer?
« on: July 21, 2021, 01:56:40 AM »
So I'm just doing a quick poll wondering what kind of shows you guys prefer? Multiple day ones where you get multiple shows with one entry? Or just single day shows? I'm trying to plan some shows for my associations and would love to have some feedback!



Member Announcements / Endurance Club of SS 2021-2 Updates!
« on: June 10, 2021, 06:37:07 AM »

    Hello everyone! With the end of 2021-1 coming to a close, I'm very pleased with the year we've had, and I hope everyone has had fun with it as well! I do apologize for there being a wait on results as this turned into a harder year for me then I thought, but they're getting out now, and I'm hoping we don't have this issue in the future. At least not as bad!

    Now though for the reason of this post! I have updates that are coming in 2021-2 for the Endurance club, and I'd love some feed back on them from you. At the end of this post, there will be a quick survey that I'd love for you to fill out so I know how people feel about this stuff. If you do, you can post it in reply to this topic, or if you'd rather you can PM me the results. If you don't want to fill it out, no problem, but if you do you will be awarded 50% off entries for ONE (1) Endurance club race meet! This is for all entries, so you'll just have to add them up, and pay 50% of that. There is is no limits and it's good for any race meet you'd like to use it on.

    Now onto the updates!

    Entry fee/Purse updates!

    Currently we do have pretty high entry fees for our race meets and we're constantly trying to figure out a way to make them affordable for everyone while making it so that it doesn't break my bank with purse fees as well. Hence why show entry fees tend to be so high. However, we are working to try and make this a little cheaper over all for everyone, and hopefully keep up the high rewards we've become known for.  So starting in 2021-2 the following prices will apply to our shows!

    Stakes Races: $5000 per horse (this includes the Gemstone Races, Crystal Races, Mongol Derby)
    Continental Divide Race: $10 000 per team (more info below)
    Amazing Race: $8000 per horse
    Prospect Classes: $50 per horse OR $300 for unlimited entries (good if you have over 6 horses entered)
    Other Races: $100 per horse OR $2000 for unlimited entries (good if you're entering more then 20 horses)

    For these races, note that there will also be a change to the prizes as well! Just to adjust it a bit! They are listed below.

    Gemstone Races: 1st: $20 000, 2nd: $10 000, 3rd: $5 000
    Crystal Races: 1st: $15 000, 2nd: $8000, 3rd: $4 000
    Mongol Derby: 1st: $20 000, 2nd: $10 000, 3rd: $5 000
    Amazing Race: 1st: $20 000, 2nd: $10 000, 3rd: $5000 (NOTE! This is paid out to EACH participate because its' a team event, so total purse is $70 000!)
    Other Races: 1st: $500, 2nd: $250, 3rd: $100
    Invitational:  1st: $10 000, 2nd: $5000, 3rd: $2500

    Continental Divide Race:
    Individual Places: 1st: $2000, 2nd: $1000, 3rd: $500
    Overall Placings: 1st: $25 000, 2nd: $15 000, 3rd: $10 000

    While we understand the entries are expensive for the stakes races, we do feel like the prices reflect well the amount of money you have a chance to win back.

    New Stakes Races! 
    The Endurance Club is happy to announce that we are adding a number of new stakes races and series to our 2021-2 race cards this year! You've probably noticed them above, let us introduce them to you!

    The Crystal Races:
    These races will be for horses that are 4-6 years of age and are the younger horse equivalent of the Gemstone races! Note, that six year olds will have the choice between competing in the Crystal or the Gemstone races, once they are entered in a race from one of those two series, they may NOT enter the other one! These races are have the length of the Gemstone races, and are a good start for younger endurance horses who are looking to hit the big times.

    Continental Divide Race:
    This race is intense. It's a two week long race done in a relay style! It's almost 5000 kilometres from the border in Mexico, up to the border with Canada in the north. It'll take you through five states and numerous different terrains as you follow the Continental Divide Trail! This is the longest race by far in our line up, and definitely one of the more unique ones. Unlike the other races, this one is broken down into five (5) parts. You need 5 horses, each of who is expected to handle 1000 kilometres of the trail. As they finish their leg, they will get a placing based off their scores, and you will win money for each of these placings. You may also collect the activity points for them as well!

    To determine the over all finishing position of each team, your scores will be added up from all your horses, and the highest scoring team will win over all! This gets you another set of points per horse, and more money! This race has a purse that could be as high as $35 000 if you win all legs and over all! Hence the high entry fee!

    The invitational isn't a long race and will only be about 500 kilometres, hosted in Nova Scotia, Canada. This race is an end of year race, and is open to any horse over the age of four (4) who gathers more then 100 points in the Endurance Club over the year! It will be hosted in the last week of the year, and will be a free race to enter! All qualifying horses will receive an invitation to join us in the race! You will NOT be able to enter if you don't qualify though.

    The Invitational will be run a little different then the rest of the races on the card, because this race will be run using RP! This means you'll find things on the trail, you'll have to make decisions and your choices will determine how you do in the race! Good luck to all who qualify! More info for this will be released as I have it figured out!

    I meant to do this last year, it just didn't work out. I will be tracking points in the Endurance Club starting in 2021-2! These points will go towards the horse of the year awards, and qualifying for the Invitational. Currently our club points will be:

    Normal Races:
    1st: 10pts
    2nd: 9pts
    3rd: 8pts
    4th: 7pts
    5th: 6pts
    6th: 5pts
    7th: 4pts
    8th: 3pts
    9th: 2pts
    10th+: 1pts

    Stakes Races
    1st: 60pts
    2nd: 50pts
    3rd: 40pts
    4th: 30pts
    5th: 30pts
    6th: 10pts
    7th+: 5pts

    NOTE! These are for in club only, and all SS points are to be recorded towards titles.

    Race Hosts!

    We have decided on the hosts for next years races, thanks to Vienna Raine for the suggestions and help with locations!

    Gemstone/Crystal Races:
    • The Opal/The Azurite: Papua New Guinea
    • The Pearl/The Ametrine: Japan
    • The Sapphire/The Bismuth: Kenya
    • The Ruby/The Cinnabar: Brazil
    • The Emerald/The Moonstone: Norway
    • The Diamond/The Peridot: Mexico/Guatemala/Honduras

    The Amazing Race: Hawaii, USA - Volcano tour!

    I will be posting the survey in the next post! So please don't post until you see that up! I look forward to seeing everyone out there!

    TradeMark's Zodiac Show Down 2021-2

    What Is it?:
    This is basically a massive show series hosted by TradeMark Estates for the year of 2021-2 for all of Show Standards to compete in! These series will be broken up into twelve (12) five (5) show series with a large championship show at the end! There will be two mini series a month to allow you to collect a lot of points for your animals and hopefully get a shot at the year end Championship and major prizes then!

    The theme for the shows will be the Zodiac signs. So it'll start in July with the Capricorn show series, then Aquarius, and so on and so forth. Each show series will be strictly conformation shows and will be structured as such:

    Day 1: Standard All breed Show
    Day 2: Group Specialty Shows
    Day 3: Title/Non Title Shows (shows will be divided and run based on titles or not)
    Day 4: Overall Championship Show

    Animals will qualify for the overall Championship show IF they win above a Challenge Certificate in any of the shows listed above! Shows will be available for both crossbreds and purebred animals.

    The cost of these shows will be $5000 per species, for unlimited entries into all the shows, or $17000 if you enter all four species.

    This means, that once you pay your fee, you don't pay any more for the rest of the series and you can enter as many animals as you want! Note however, you WILL have to enter each series individually and keep those entries up to date, but you will not pay more money for them. Nice huh?

    Does it seem expensive? Maybe, but consider that you are guaranteed 36 shows for that price for as many animals as you'd like! If your animals do the over all championship shows you'll be looking at 48 shows for the year for as many animals as you like! When looked at that way, the price is really good!

    Please Note, you may enter the series at any time, BUT the cost of entering will not change! It'll still be $5000 for unlimited animals. So try to get them to as many as possible!

    For Who?
    Any and every registered animal on SS that wishes to compete! There will be a series for Horses, Dogs, Cats and Livestock!


    Prizes will be for the Overall Champion shows only in each series! These will include a cash prize to be determined at the time of running and rosettes! The cost of the show is to help off set this a little, and bring you better prizes.


    You WILL have to enter each series separately and on separate posts just to keep things neat and organized! Note that it is NOT our responsibility to make sure you have entered them all, and if you miss one there will be no refund given, so keep an eye out!

    For titled shows, we will be going off titles as are listed in the entries, so make sure you keep these up to date!

    At least one breed per group needs to be represented for a titled show to go ahead. If there is not enough animals at that title to compete, they will be grouped with the animals at the title level below them. Meaning, if there is only one (1) Gch. animals entered, then they will show in the show comprised of Ch. titled animals. This is to keep shows from being ridiculously small.

    If your animals titles are not up to date in your entries, or they are not entered with their titles attached, they will compete in the non-titled show. I will not go looking to see what they're registered with. Note that non-titled shows are most likely going to be bigger then the titled ones, so you're only hurting your animals chances at points by not being up to date.

    All entries will have to be done VIA Standard Entries, and MUST be clear and easy to read. If they are bunched together, and hard to read, I will be skipping over them.

    End of Year Championship

    Again the end of year Championship will be at the end of the 12 series! This show will be for any animal who has earned a BoB or above in ANY show, in any series! You all come back and compete again in the same format.

    The Overall Championship show will however be restricted to dogs who have won a BIG or above in any show, including any of the Year End Shows! There will be a money prize and rosettes handed out to the winners of this show!

    There will be an entry fee of $2500 for all qualified animals for the End of Year Championships on top of what was already paid. This is to help off set the cost of prizes though and all money will go back into getting you awards for your animals!

    This is going to be a test year for this series! I hope to run it yearly to help people get points and have fun! Depending on how it goes, it may end up being a two year series on SS, running from January - December and having one series a month over two, but we'll see how it goes. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to post here, PM me on board or DM me on discord! I'm always willing to take suggestions, especially since this IS a work in progress still! 

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