A neat little idea that I hope you all would like! Similar to the Christmas Secret Santa, if you leave your birthday and a wishlist perhaps you'll get some birthday presents!
I'll leave a master of everybody's birthdays below and their wishes - just comment them to be added
BirthdaysJANUARYAurryinne [16th] - No wishes yet!
Tia [28th] - Anything weird and rare
FEBRUARYshenanigans [26th] - anything, just some well wishes (or dobermans/cresteds

MARCHStarwalker [5th] - Herding, Sled Dogs or Hounds!
AUGUSTTallon [27th] - Birthday wishes + GSDs
SEPTEMBERJasmine [3rd] - Anything she currently owns

Aara [10th] - Interestingly coated dogs, unique markings, fun genetics (to not understand

) Sighthounds & Spitz breeds would be cool
OCTOBERRotte [21st] - No preferences!
NOVEMBERVienna Raine [1st] - Herding, working or Sighthounds; any fluffy and/or bobtail cat breeds; poniessss!
DECEMBERKaxanar [29th] - More toy + herding breeds, especially chocolates + tricolours, and any fluffy cats!