Author Topic: Need help with your New breeds? Look here!  (Read 1962 times)

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on: December 14, 2022, 02:24:45 AM
Hey everyone!

If you're looking for help creating breeds, I'm here to help! I have an insane amount of money stacked up and I'm interested in a new project or six as I get my records in order.

There are two ways I'd love to help!

1) I'm offering a donation of $5 million to people creating breeds to help with that process! The money can be used to pay breeding fees, buy new creations, show hosting, etc! Whatever help you need!

2) I'd like to get involved with a couple new breeds as well! I'm very interested in Gundogs and Hounds mostly, but I'm willing to branch out! Sell Me on your Breed and I'll look into creating my own line and getting things off the ground for you!

Post here if you'd like to take advantage so it's all in one place, please! Do not post in the discord as things go there to get lost and die because Tia will lose track xD


Reply #1 on: December 14, 2022, 05:09:19 AM

Let me introduce you to a new developing working breed- the Nether Wolfdog!

While they aren't gun dogs and hounds, they're incredibly versatile with the ability to be a livestock guardian in their independence but also be able to be a household working/sporting companion. These dogs are a genetic make-up of 20% Siberian Husky, 15% Golden Retriever, 15% German Shepherd Dog, and a whopping 50% Czech Vlack! This mixture allows for the general size and coloration of a wolf while also being obedient and quick to please- Molding into whatever job you may give them!
The NWD comes in a variety of aqouti coloring, grey, white, black, and blanket ticking on each of the solid colors to allow them to fit any aesthetic you may be looking for!

While they are rather large dogs- The lineage of German Shepherd and Golden Retrievers allow a temperament fit for service dog work for those who may need a mobility aid or a multi-purpose service dog!

The nature of a NWD will alighn with the classic family pet, the Golden Retriever, but also allows for a vast majority of other purposes to be met with the proper training and household!

𝓑𝓵𝓾𝓮-𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓼

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Reply #2 on: December 14, 2022, 06:38:22 AM
I am working on the  Bearded Retriever and The Rainbow Shepherd

Bearded Retriever's are a gundog, breed with roughly  25% Lab x 25% Golden x  50% Standerd Poodle, They are breed ideal companion, therapy dog, or service dog they are also natural retrievers and make excellent field dogs. I have done the first crosses  as Lab to Spoo, and Golden to spoo and plan to cross those to each other, they can come in a wide range of colors.

The Rainbow Shepherd -This breed is built for herding and being used for ring sports. They were created by a small group who wanted a more colorful dog that could do the same jobs as a solid dog. This breed will never be punished for any color beyond excessive white.They have the temperament to work with an off switch, they are alert   guardians to their flocks and homes. This breed is Confident, and hardworking. The bond tightly with one person and can be highly watchful of strangers. They are brave. They are people friendly if trained properly,. They can be hyper if not given a job . The breeds being used for this project are Belgians(MainlyMals), BC,ACD, Dutch  and Maybe Collies, the frist round of crosses were BC x Belgian. They are going to come in four coat types and will make for amazing working dogs.

Reply #3 on: December 14, 2022, 12:33:30 PM
Hiya! I'm working on the Western Spitz and the Cú Tolláin!

Western Spitz - A more adaptable/biddable and lower energy version of the Siberian Husky! Ideal City dogs for someone who is medium energy and able to give them a job, ie. Service Work or Therapy Work, or as a hiking buddy who can take days off with little to no complaint. They come in most colours, basically big ol fluffers who can go zoom but also just chillax.

Cú Tolláins - A new breed of Small hunting dog! The name literally translates to "Tunnel Hound", they're little menaces bred to do, as the name suggests, tunnel flushing/hunting, but they can also excell at above-ground hunts, get you a dog who can do both! A mix of the Jack Russel Terrier, Dachshund, and Rat Terrier, they're Spicy Hunting Dogs, best for people who can provide them with an outlet for their prey drive.


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Reply #4 on: December 14, 2022, 10:28:07 PM
If I can jump on the train - I'd also love to offer some money out to people creating breeds! You all have super awesome ideas :D

Kensington Spaniel (Gundog)
A modern-day spaniel, carefully developed and designed by hunters who wanted a 'big dog in a small, compact package'. They are extremely versatile, ready to please and have an attitude that could strike down a horse.
They're a perfect all-round hunting dog. Not only should they be capable of flushing, but they should be able to retrieve in and out of water. Despite being the perfect size for family or general-companion dog, they are not for the faint hearted. Kensingtons should want to be go, go, go and require a lot of mental, and physical, exercise.

Dasarak (Khari) (Hound)
The Dasarak is a Sighthound created as a fast protector of the African land. All Dasarak variations have a base of the royal Azawakh and the racing line Greyhound, coming together to create a loyal, elegant and extremely fast dog.

Khari is the show and largest variation of the breed and is easily the most elegant looking. All coat types are available for this variation, but the most common is longhair. The look of this breed heavily emulates the Borzoi. Wirehaired is the least common variation, and Smooth Coat is the least desired variation. Feathered is also a variation (smooth coat with feathered back of legs, tips of ears and tail) and is preferable next to Longhair.

Breeding for this variation is yet to begin, but they will be have the following breeds added to the Azawakh x Greyhound base: Afghan, Borzoi, Saluki, Silken, Ibizan and Sloughi.

Dasarak (Cepos) (Hound / Toy)
The smallest Dasarak, was originally meant to fit in the To Category, but perhaps it's better suited to just Hound.
Primarily Show, or small Whippet Racing suited only. Likely the best suited to the family home. Can come Long or Feathered, both are preferable. Wire is not possible and Smooth may pop up but is the least desirable.

Again, breeding is yet to begin but they will consist of: Italian Greyhound, Basenji, Whippet, Silken. They should look similar to a Windsprite :)

German Water Dog (Gundog)
The ethical cockapoo lol, straight Cocker (English) and Poodle (Miniature) crosses. They're predominantly hunting (retrieving / flushing) dogs but could easily be adapted to the home and used for assistance and service work too. Keep in mind that they are hunting bred so they will not adapt to assistance and service work as much as Star's  Bearded Retriever.
Happy-go-lucky dogs who love a job and love being able to perform it.

Breeding has already begun, I think I've bred all the first gens so now it's just about breeding back to Poodles for the 5? generations?. Could do with many other lines too so we don't inbreed majorly. They're super Poodle dependent so they have a more promising coat type.

Unn-named Performance Dog Breed (Toy)
The end product of these should be a dog no taller than 14" who can do it all at an intense and high-level. Originally they're bred for more competitive sports like Agility, but definitely will suit to other breeds like Flyball and Fast CAT. They're like crazy little BorderPap mixes. Super feathered and super cute. A kennel is making these in real life but I wanted to make them a bit more ethically - see here. Their breed makeup is basically Border Collie x MAS x Papillon, bred back to Pap to make them small. Breed percentages (lowest % to highest) go Border Collie, Miniature American Shepherd, Papillon. Come in every colour, would be an awesome breed to bulk out the Toy group slightly too.

Apuan Shepherd (Herding)
The breed I spoke about making on Discord - they're a real life breed so we'll have to adapt to making it like the GWD. Breeds I've suggested to use so far are BC, MAS, Mudi, Pyr Shep. By the looks they come in all colours, which also fits nice with the breeds offered. They remind me a lot of the Koolie or working BC lines looks wise (or like a straightened Mudi).

I haven't got a post up yet as I have to translate the whole website from Italian to English but per breed standard:
Wolfish appearance, of about medium size in both sizes (borderline large). They are a trotting herding breed, have a rectangular build and shoulders and thigh are carried on the same line. The tail is of medium length, should not be exceptionally thick other than the base and is gently carried whilst moving. Dog should show a great idea of good energy and robustness.
All eye colours are acceptable but usually amber or hazel. Brown will also be found a lot. Blue is acceptable but only in those who are merle. Two eye colours are also commonly found, but more desired in merle subjects.
Hair is rough to touch, dense undercoat to protect it from the elements. Many are piebald or have tan points. Colours generally listed on the standard are lead gray, silver gray, light fawn, spotted prevail(?). Black, blue, dark gray and silver gray are listed too. High percentage of white is not desirable in merles but allowed otherwise.

They should be an alert and active shepherd dog, brimmed with vitality and always ready for action. They should have precious qualities of guarding the property and defending livestock from small predators and possible intruders. They are docile and have a balanced disposition, moderately firm nerves and a malleable temper. Some have been noticed to have a natural distrust towards strangers (so typically aloof)?
They should perform even complex commands naturally, such as separating sheep from offspring without lambs in tow. They should be able to keep the herd together without much issue to move the herd from one area to the next.

That's all I've found for now, going to research & get the post up though but it's a neat little shep breed which a lot of us will like!