Author Topic: 2023-1 Dog Leaderboard  (Read 952 times)

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  • 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog BIS Winner 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog BIS Winner : 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog BIS Winner
    2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog Runner Up SEC 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog Runner Up SEC : 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog Runner Up Supreme Event Champion
    2020-2 Dog Leaderboard Third Place 2020-2 Dog Leaderboard Third Place : 2020-2 Dog Leaderboard Third Place
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  • 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog BIS Winner 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog BIS Winner : 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog BIS Winner
    2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog Runner Up SEC 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog Runner Up SEC : 2020-2 Show Standards Annual Dog Runner Up Supreme Event Champion
    2020-2 Dog Leaderboard Third Place 2020-2 Dog Leaderboard Third Place : 2020-2 Dog Leaderboard Third Place
    2021-1 Show Standards Annual Dog Runner Up SEC 2021-1 Show Standards Annual Dog Runner Up SEC :
on: January 21, 2023, 12:41:01 AM
This Year

1. MBISS IntCh. Foxglove's Prim and Proper BN MH SHR CGC - 2636 - American Cocker Spaniel
2. IntCh. Belladonna of Flourish BN JHA SHR CGCB - 2455 - American Cocker Spaniel
3. IntCh. Stardust of Flourish AD BN JHA CGC - 2250 - American Cocker Spaniel
4. NatCh. Foxglove's Freakin' Famous BN MH CGCB - 1535 - American Cocker Spaniel
5. BIS NatCh. TradeMark's Anaiel - American Staffordshire Terrier - 1103
6. MBIS BISS NatCh. Dreamwater King of the Castle - 1066 - White Swiss Shepherd
7. BIS NatCh. Dreamwater Fikri el-Dajani CGC JC - 1033 - Sloughi
9. NatCh. Dreamwater It’s the Most Wonderful Time - 1016 - White Swiss Shepherd
9. NatCh. Dreamwater Sapphire Mute BN - 1016 - Pomeranian
10. NatCh. Dreamwater Naasif el-Uddin AD CGC SC - 1016 - Sloughi


1st:  MBIS BISS WCh. TS Snuffleupagus - Pug - 4588
2nd: MBISS IntCh. Foxglove's Prim and Proper BN MH SHR CGC - 2636 - American Cocker Spaniel
3rd: BISS IntCh. Star Hunter’s Rose - Airedale Terrier - 2626
4th: IntCh. Belladonna of Flourish BN JHA SHR CGCB - 2455 - American Cocker Spaniel
5th: IntCh. Stardust of Flourish AD BN JHA CGC - 2250 - American Cocker Spaniel
6th: NatCh. Foxglove's Freakin' Famous BN MH CGCB - 1535 - American Cocker Spaniel
7th: MBIS BISS NatCh. Evolution's All the Buzz MC - Ibizan Hound - 1450
8th: BISS BIS NatCh. Star Hunter's The Rainbow Connection JE - Dachshund (Wire Haired) - 1305
9th: BIS NatCh. Hemlock Grove von. Void BH BtR HT ObH - Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) - 1235
10th: NatCh. Evolution's Float Like A Butterfly SC - Ibizan Hound - 1230
11th: BIS NatCh. Evolution's Attenion to Detail - Karelian Bear Dog - 1171
12th: BIS NatCh. Foxglove's Corpse Party JH - Curly Coated Retriever - 1150
13th: NatCh. TS I Close My Eyes AD HT RATN - Pumi - 1110
14th: BIS NatCh. Star Garden Holding On To You - Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren) - 1109
15th: BIS NatCh. TradeMark's Anaiel - American Staffordshire Terrier - 1103
16th: BIS NatCh. Evolution's Don't Touch This - Leonberger - 1091
17th: BIS NatCh. Foxglove's Red Matter JH - Red and White Setter - 1090
18th: BIS BISS NatCh. Infinity’s Rome Beauty - Miniature Pinscher - 1070.4
19th: MBIS BISS NatCh. Dreamwater King of the Castle - 1066 - White Swiss Shepherd
20th: BISS NatCh. Dreamwater Moonstone Arrow ADX - Russian Toy - 1055
« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 07:28:14 PM by Jasmine »